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A state of disorder due to absence or nonrecognition of authority,
  1. A state of disorder due to absence or nonrecognition of authority
    • - he must ensure public order in a country threatened with anarchy
  2. Absence of government and absolute freedom of the individual, regarded as a political ideal

  1. a state of lawlessness and disorder (usually resulting from a failure of government)
  2. (anarchic) without law or control; "the system is economically inefficient and politically anarchic"
  3. (anarchist) an advocate of anarchism
  4. Anarchy Ⓐ (from ἀναρχίᾱ anarchíā, "without ruler") may refer to any of the following: * "No rulership or enforced authority. ...
  5. In his pamphlet entitled Anarchy (Italian L'anarchia), published in 1891, Errico Malatesta seeks to explain the fundamental tenets of, and provide a persuasive argument for, his version of anarchism. ...
  6. Anarchy, released in 2000, is the fourth studio album by Busta Rhymes. It comes after the release of The Coming, When Disaster Strikes and Extinction Level Event (Final World Front). The album went Platinum.
  7. Anarchy is a 1994 album by anarcho-punk band Chumbawamba. Many of the tracks address specific social problems, such as homophobia, strikes or fascism.
  8. Anarky (Lonnie Machin) is a fictional character in the . Co-created by Alan Grant and Norm Breyfogle, he first appeared in Detective Comics No.608 (November 1989) as an adversary of Batman. Stories revolving around Anarky often focus on political and philosophical themes. ...
  9. Anarchy was an anarchist monthly magazine produced in London from the early 1960s until the early 1970s. It was published by Freedom Press and edited by its founder, Colin Ward.
  10. The state of a society being without authoritarians or a governing body; Anarchism; the political theory that a community is best organized by the voluntary cooperation of individuals, rather than by a government, which is regarded as being coercive by nature; A chaotic and confusing absence ...
  11. (anarchic) Relating to, supporting, or likely to cause anarchy; Chaotic, without law or order
  12. (anarchist) One who believes in or advocates the absence of hierarchy and authority in most forms (compare anarchism), especially one who works toward the realization of such; One who disregards laws and social norms as a form of rebellion against authority; By extension from previous sense, one ...
  13. (ANARCHIST) Another name for a member of the Revolutionary League.
  14. (Anarchist) Extreme radicals, often political refugees from the continent, who sought to undermine the capitalist system and the state. From 1892 onwards, many were tried at the Old Bailey for possessing bomb-making equipment or causing property damage.
  15. (Anarchist) a person who rejects the need for a system of government in society and proposes its abolition
  16. (Anarchist) noun, The theory that all government is undesirable. An Anarchist ruler is very not wanted because it is hated and undesirable.
  17. (anarchist) a person who promotes anarchy, or political disorder, as by flouting or ignoring rules, duties, or accepted standards of conduct.
  18. Absence of formal legal order; also the social context in which legitimate political authority does not exist.
  19. n.  Such a good idea, it should be the law.
  20. Lawlessness; condition of no government or ruling power.
  21. The dictionary says, "complete absence of government and law." "Political disorder and violence" "disorder in an sphere of activity." In revolutionary politics, they differ from communists in that they believe it is possible to effect an immediate transformation to a perfect society. ...
  22. The absence of a centralized (international) authority.
  23. ( SciFi (Space Opera) Anarchy Press [HP] Kenneth Love )
  24. Want of government; a state of society when there is no law or supreme power, or when the laws are not efficient, and individuals do what they please with impunity; political confusion.
  25. the condition of a society without a dominant political institution enforcing certain rules of conduct within a given geographical area