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analytic 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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True by virtue of the meaning of the words or concepts used to express it, so that its denial would be a self-contradiction,
  1. True by virtue of the meaning of the words or concepts used to express it, so that its denial would be a self-contradiction

  2. (of a language) Tending not to alter the form of its words and to use word order rather than inflection or agglutination to express grammatical structure

  1. using or subjected to a methodology using algebra and calculus; "analytic statics"
  2. using or skilled in using analysis (i.e., separating a whole--intellectual or substantial--into its elemental parts or basic principles); "an analytic experiment"; "an analytic approach"; "a keenly analytic man"; "analytical reasoning"; "an analytical mind"
  3. expressing a grammatical category by using two or more words rather than inflection
  4. of a proposition that is necessarily true independent of fact or experience; "`all spinsters are unmarried' is an analytic proposition"
  5. (analyst) someone who is skilled at analyzing data
  6. (analyst) an expert who studies financial data (on credit or securities or sales or financial patterns etc.) and recommends appropriate business actions
  7. Isolating language or analytic language is a linguistic typology category that defines a language with a low morpheme-per-word ratio - in the extreme case of isolating language or analytic language words are composed of a single morpheme.
  8. (Analytics) The simplest definition of analytics is "the science of analysis". A simple and practical definition, however, would be how an entity (i.e., business) arrives at an optimal or realistic decision based on existing data. ...
  9. (Analyst (software)) Mass spectrometry software is software used for data acquisition, analysis, or representation in mass spectrometry.
  10. (The Analyst) The Analyst, subtitled A DISCOURSE Addressed to an Infidel Mathematician, is a book published by George Berkeley in 1734. The "infidel mathematician" is believed to have been Edmond Halley or Sir Isaac Newton. ...
  11. (The Analyst (chemistry journal)) Analyst is a peer-reviewed scientific journal publishing original (primary) research and review articles on any aspect of analytical, bioanalytical and detection science. ...
  12. of, or relating to any form of analysis, or to analytics; of, or relating to division into elements or principles; having the ability to analyse; (of a proposition) that follows necessarily; tautologous; of, or relating to algebra or a similar method of analysis; being defined in terms of ...
  13. (analytics) The principles governing any of various forms of analysis
  14. Analytics refers to all the technology, programming, and data used in Search Engine Marketing to analyze a website’s performance or the success of an Internet marketing campaign.
  15. (Analytics) Also known as Web Metrics. Analytics refer to collection of data about a website and its users. Analytics programs usually give performance data on clicks, time, pages viewed, website paths and a variety of other information. ...
  16. (Analytics) A product offered by Google which provides information on the usage of a web page, from the number of visits to the location of the browser and the search terms used to find the page.
  17. (Analytics) A program which assists in gathering and analyzing data about website usage. Google analytics is a feature rich, popular, free analytics program.
  18. (analytics) The capturing of data which allows you to track your page views, user paths, and conversion statistics.
  19. (Analytics) if you place code on each page of your site, you can track the behavior of your visitors, where they come from, which pages they visit, how much time they spend on your site, and much more.
  20. (Analytics) A feature that allows you to understand a wide range of activity related to your website and your online marketing activities. ...
  21. (Analytics) The measurement of how a website is used – where visitors come from, what they read, the length of stay in a website, and more.
  22. Analytics is basically using existing business data or statistics to make informed decisions.
  23. Google Analytics is an effective tool offered by Google to track the visitor information of a website.
  24. (Analytics) Taking traffic data and other information about your web site, analyzing it, and then providing insight. Note that a raw report is not analytics.
  25. (9. Analytics) Analytics for iPhone applications allow developers to understand their user base and how their app is being used. Do users spend a long time on level 6 and then never play again? Maybe it’s too hard of a level. Are your users on wifi or 3G? ...