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analog 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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analogues, plural; analogs, plural;
  1. Relating to or using signals or information represented by a continuously variable physical quantity such as spatial position or voltage

  2. (of a clock or watch) Showing the time by means of hands rather than displayed digits

  1. A person or thing seen as comparable to another
    • - the idea that the fertilized egg contains a miniature analog of every adult structure
  2. A compound with a molecular structure closely similar to that of another

  1. analogue: of a circuit or device having an output that is proportional to the input; "analogue device"; "linear amplifier"
  2. analogue: something having the property of being analogous to something else
  3. In chemistry, structural analogs (structural analogues), also known as chemical analogs or simply analogs, are compounds in which one or more atoms, functional groups, or substructures have been replaced with different atoms, groups, or substructures. ...
  4. Analogue electronics (or analog in American English) are electronic systems with a continuously variable signal, in contrast to digital electronics where signals usually take only two different levels. ...
  5. The term analogue is used in literary history in two related senses: * a work which resembles another in terms of one or more motifs, characters, scenes, phrases or events. * an individual motif, character, scene, event or phrase which resembles one found in another work.
  6. Analog Science Fiction and Fact is an American science fiction magazine. As of 2010, it is the longest running continually published magazine of that genre. ...
  7. Analog is a free web log analysis software program that runs under Windows, Mac OS, Linux, and most Unix-like operating systems. It was first released on June 21, 1995, by Stephen Turner as generic freeware; the license was changed to the GNU General Public License in November 2004. ...
  8. An Analog or analogue signal is any continuous signal for which the time varying feature (variable) of the signal is a representation of some other time varying quantity, i.e., analogous to another time varying signal. ...
  9. something that bears an analogy to something else; an organ or structure that is similar in function to one in another kind of organism but is of dissimilar evolutionary origin; a structural derivative of a parent compound that often differs from it by a single element; in which the value of ...
  10. (Analogs) a new chemical compound that is created by modifying or manipulating an existing compound.
  11. (analogs) Drugs created in a laboratory, having a slightly different chemical composition than a pharmaceutical, yet having the same effects on the brain as the pharmaceutical.
  12. {Analogs have common activity but not common origin.}  Genes or proteins that display the same activity but lack sufficient similarity to imply common origin are said to have analogous activity. ...
  13. A continuously varying signal or wave. As with all waves, analog waves are susceptible to interference which can change the character of the wave.
  14. In chemistry, a substance that is similar, but not identical, to another.
  15. The simple way to transmit speech, which is translated into electronic signals of different frequency and/or amplitude. The first networks for mobile phones, as well as broadcast transmissions, were analog. ...
  16. A form of electronic information transmission that is accomplished using signals of varying frequency or amplitude. Voice and radio have traditionally been analog forms of communication. Modems are devices used to convert analog information into digital form for transfer over computer networks.
  17. Before digital, the way all sound was reproduced.
  18. The most commonly used frequency for transmitting video content. Commercials stored on videotape, for instance, use an analog format. A more recent technology involves the conversion of analog content to a digital, or computer-based, format.
  19. Information represented by a continuous electromagnetic wave encoded so that its power varies continuously with the power of a signal received from a sound or light source.
  20. An analog video signal uses a variable voltage to equal the pixel value, as opposed to digital pulses.
  21. Analog has two different definitions. (1) As a chemical compound, an analog is a man-made chemical substance that is similar in structure to a chemical found naturally in the body. The analog can have either the same or a different action within the body. ...
  22. a method of representing data using the amplitude of a signal
  23. A signal or voltage that can vary continuously between two values.  Contrast to digital which can possess only two states or conditions.  Speech is analog, but with modern technology, it is often converted into a digital signal to be transmitted and switched.
  24. The signal whose instantaneous value is a replication of another event or signal. (e.g., The digital bits on a compact disc are converted to an analog signal inside the D/A converter of the deck so that our brains can understand the software.)
  25. Continuously variable (e.g., a faucet controlling water from off to full flow).