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analgesic 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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(chiefly of a drug) Acting to relieve pain,
  1. (chiefly of a drug) Acting to relieve pain

  1. An analgesic drug

  1. a medicine used to relieve pain
  2. capable of relieving pain; "the anodyne properties of certain drugs"; "an analgesic effect"
  3. (analgesia) absence of the sense of pain without loss of consciousness
  4. An analgesic (also known as a painkiller) is any member of the group of drugs used to relieve pain (achieve). The word analgesic derives from Greek an- ("without") and algos ("pain").
  5. (analgesia) The absence of the sense of pain while remaining conscious
  6. (Analgesics) drugs that take away pain and can also be called 'acute' medications
  7. (Analgesics) Pain relief medicines.
  8. (Analgesics) Medications that reduce pain.
  9. (analgesics) drugs that relieve pain.
  10. (Analgesics (say: ah-nuhl-jee-zicks)) Analgesics are meant to relieve pain. These pain relievers don't get rid of what causes your pain, rather they block the nerve pathways that send pain signals from the body part to the brain so that you don't hurt as much.
  11. (Analgesics) A medication capable of reducing or eliminating pain.
  12. (Analgesics) are drugs that relieve pain without the patient losing consciousness. It is important to understand that most analgesics can, in the face of increased dosage or when mixed with other CNS depressants, result in unconsciousness. ...
  13. (analgesics) medications to relieve pain such as meperidine. The smallest dose possible is given because of the potential adverse effects of these drugs on the fetus. These drugs easily cross the placenta to the fetus and may take a long time to clear from the baby's system even after birth. ...
  14. (Analgesia) The inability to feel pain while still conscious.
  15. (Analgesia) The loss of ability to feel pain with the loss of the power to move a part of the body or consciousness.
  16. (ANALGESIA) Loss of sensitivity to pain.
  17. (Analgesia) a state of pain relief; an agent lessening pain
  18. (analgesia) the diminution or elimination of pain.
  19. (Analgesia) A general term for pain relief, which may or may not involve the loss of bodily sensation or consciousness. See also anesthesia, which is one type of analgesia.
  20. (Analgesia) A state in which painful stimuli are perceived but no longer felt by the conscious patient.
  21. (Analgesia) Drugs that act as pain-killers.
  22. (Analgesia) Loss or decrease of pain intensity
  23. (Analgesia) Pain relief which may be achieved by use of medication (e.g. aspirin, paracetamol or codeine), modalities (e.g. ultrasound, interferential and laser) or acupuncture.
  24. (Analgesia) Reduced sensibility to pain without loss of consciousness and without the sense of touch necessarily being affected. The condition may arise accidentally, if nerves are diseased or damaged, or be induced deliberately by the use of pain-killing drugs.
  25. (Analgesia) hypnotic technique whereby pain is eliminated or reduced.