- a word or phrase spelled by rearranging the letters of another word or phrase
- read letters out of order to discover a hidden meaning
- (anagrams) a game whose object is to form words from a group of randomly chosen letters
- Anagram is a Canadian punk rock band from Oshawa, Ontario but based out of Toronto.
- Anagrams, Pirate Scrabble, Anagram, Snatch, or Grabscrab is a board-free word game that involves rearranging letter tiles to form words.
- (Anagrams) Favorite activity of bored geeks on soda, requiring no social interaction. Names of soda users, or alternatively their logins, are most frequently anagrammed.
- (Anagrams) Here are some amusing transposing of words you will surely enjoy. Someone out there either has far too much spare time or is deadly at Scrabble.
- (Anagrams) How many words can you find in your rack of seven letters?
- (Anagrams) and even how many points you can stack up in Scrabble!
- (Anagrams) never lie." Here is your chance to discover the wisdom of anagrams.
- (anagrams) to re-arrange, esp. to form new words or phrases from existing ones such as' 'Rome and 'more'
- a word spelled out by rearranging the letters of another word. When both lexical forms appear in the same poem, especially in proximity, a reader may reasonably suspect that the anagram is a figure of speech. If only one form occurs, the encoding of an association is harder to prove. ...
- letters of a word or phrase are transposed to form a new meaning. A common feature of crosswords. Samuel Butler's Erewhon is an anagram of "nowhere".
- A word that is spelled with the exact same letters as another word. Example: RIDES is an anagram of SIRED and vice versa.
- Literally, this means the letters of a word are read backwarrds. Can also refer to the change of one word into another by the transposition of letters. Often, the letters of a word read out of order to discover hidden meaning.
- A word, phrase, sentence, name, or title made from another by the rearrangement of its letters. The basic rule of anagramming is that all the letters must be used once and only once, as in "cone" made from the letters of the word "once. ...