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anaesthetist 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
  1. anesthesiologist: a specialist who administers an anesthetic to a patient before he is treated
  2. (anaesthetic) anesthetic: a drug that causes temporary loss of bodily sensations
  3. (anaesthetic) relating to or producing insensibility
  4. (anaesthetic) anesthetic(a): characterized by insensibility; "the young girls are in a state of possession--blind and deaf and anesthetic"; "an anesthetic state"
  5. (Anæsthetic) Anesthesia, or anaesthesia (see spelling differences; from Greek αν-, an-, "without"; and αἴσθησις, aisthēsis, "sensation"), has traditionally meant the condition of having (including the feeling of pain) blocked or temporarily taken away. ...
  6. (anaesthetic) A substance that causes reversible loss of sensation or loss of consciousness; used to perform surgery without pain; Of, relating to, or causing anaesthesia
  7. (Anaesthetic) A drug used to numb an area of the body (local anaesthetic) or to put you to sleep for a while (general anaesthetic).
  8. (anaesthetic) Any form of medication which is used to relieve or prevent pain.
  9. (Anaesthetic (local)) A substance that stops sensitivity to pain at a targeted area of the body and for a limited period of time. (Numbs the pain)
  10. (Anaesthetic) A drug used to prevent people from feeling pain. It can affect the whole body (general) or a particular part (local).
  11. (Anaesthetic) A substance that causes lack of feeling or awareness. A local anaesthetic causes loss of feeling in a specific part of the body (commonly known as ‘numbness’).
  12. Physician who has specialised in anaesthetics and pain management.
  13. AKA gas man/woman -the doctor that looks after your pain control and gives you the anaesthetic that allows the surgeon to operate. This may be either a general anaesthetic where a machine breathes for you or various blocks that make your nerves stop working temporarily to the operation site e.g. ...