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anaemia 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
  1. anemia: a lack of vitality
  2. anemia: a deficiency of red blood cells
  3. (anaemic) anemic: relating to anemia or suffering from anemia
  4. (anaemic) anemic: lacking vigor or energy; "an anemic attempt to hit the baseball"
  5. Anemia (also spelled anaemia and anæmia; from Ancient Greek ἀναιμία anaimia, meaning lack of blood) is a decrease in normal number of red blood cells (RBCs) or less than the normal quantity of hemoglobin in the blood. ...
  6. (anæmic) Alternative spelling of anemic
  7. (anæmic) having anemia, an illness of the blood resulting in paleness and generalized weakness; also can mean anyone lacking vigor or vitality; lifelessness.
  8. Thinning of the blood. The reduction of the red blood cells and/or haemoglobin in the blood which absorb and carry oxygen round the body. The effect is tiredness, and sometimes breathlessness.
  9. A condition that is due to a reduced number of red blood cells or reduced amounts of haemoglobin within them. This results in reduced oxygen carrying capacity and reduced aerobic activity in body cells.
  10. a shortage of red blood cells, which leads to symptoms such as weakness, breathlessness and reduced energy. Can be improved with iron and Erythropoietin.
  11. a condition where there are fewer red cells in the blood or a lower haemoglobin concentration than normal.
  12. reduced number of erythrocytes or red blood cells often resulting by haemolysis due to the damaging action of intra erythrocytic parasites suchg as Plasmodium or Babesia or by immunological reactions due to the presence of trypanosomes in the circulation.
  13. A condition resulting from low red blood cell counts
  14. A shortage of oxygen carrying red blood cells. This can cause weakness and fatigue.
  15. a condition in which the oxygen-carrying haemoglobin pigment levels are below normal in the blood. Signs include pale gums and listlessness.
  16. a decrease in numbers of red blood cells within the circulation, as a result of either severe or chronic bleeding, bone marrow disease, or the inappropriate destruction of red blood cells (usually by a fault in the immune system).  Dietary causes are extremely rare.
  17. Too few red blood cells in the bloodstream, resulting in insufficient oxygen to tissues and organs
  18. the sickle cells are more fragile than normal cells and they die more easily than normal blood cells. This leads to a lack of the oxygen-carrying red blood cells in your body. As your body is not getting all the oxygen you need, you will feeltired, weak, and out of breath.
  19. vitamin B2 assists the body to make better use of iron and prevents anaemia caused by iron deficiency
  20. This occurs when cells of the various tissues are deprived of oxygen through insufficient haemoglobin or red blood cells.