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anabolism 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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The synthesis of complex molecules in living organisms from simpler ones together with the storage of energy; constructive metabolism,
  1. The synthesis of complex molecules in living organisms from simpler ones together with the storage of energy; constructive metabolism

  1. the synthesis in living organisms of more complex substances (e.g., living tissue) from simpler ones together with the storage of energy
  2. (anabolic) of or related to the synthetic phase of metabolism
  3. (anabolic) characterized by or promoting constructive metabolism; "some athletes take anabolic steroids to increase muscle size temporarily"
  4. Anabolism (Greek "mound" from ana = upward + ballein = "to throw") is the set of metabolic pathways that construct molecules from smaller units. These reactions require energy. ...
  5. The constructive metabolism of the body, as distinguished from catabolism
  6. (Anabolic) The phase of metabolism in which simple substances are synthesized into the complex materials of living tissue.
  7. (Anabolic) Pertaining to the buildup or growth phase of metabolism in which the body builds up new tissue for growth and repair.
  8. (Anabolic) metabolic condition in which new molecules are synthesized (growth).
  9. (anabolic) promoting building up
  10. (Anabolic) Referring to something that causes a building-up of tissue, or anabolism. Anabolism generally refers to an increase in lean tissue, particularly muscle.
  11. (anabolic) Relating to the process of building up, or synthesis, in living systems.
  12. An anabolic process is one that builds simple structures into more complex ones. It is the opposite of catabolic. This is the process you want to promote in order to build muscle. The hormones that are primarily responsible for controlling this are testosterone and human growth hormone. ...
  13. constructive metabolism characterized by the building of tissue into more complex living matter, mainly muscle.
  14. the process of making new molecules from smaller ones and requires energy.
  15. Metabolic synthesis of proteins, fats and other constituents of living organisms from molecules or simple precursors, which usually requires an input of energy.
  16. (in  metabolism (biology): Formation of lipids)
  17. Biosynthesis of molecules in cells and part of metabolism.
  18. Used to describe a process that builds up larger molecules from smaller molecules. Anabolism is a constructive process where small molecules are assembled into larger molecules.
  19. A metabolic pathway of biosynthesis that consumes energy to build a large molecule from simpler ones. (alkalinity is anabolic (builds up)).
  20. The sum of all the physical and chemical processes by which living organized substance is produced and maintained.
  21. Metabolic reactions that require energy and result in the biosynthesis of needed compounds. An example of this is photosynthesis, in which solar energy is incorporated into complex compounds such as glucose and its derivatives.
  22. Chemical reaction resulting in the production of new molecules and tissues.
  23. Reactions in cells in which new chemical bonds are formed and new molecules are made; generally require energy, involve reduction, and lead to an increase in atomic order.
  24. metabolic process involving building of complex substances from simpler ones, using energy
  25. Process of casting (building) up materials (proteins) within cells.