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amphitheater 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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amphitheatres, plural; amphitheaters, plural;
  1. (esp. in Greek and Roman architecture) A circular or oval building, typically unroofed, with a central space for the presentation of dramatic or sporting events. Tiers of seats for spectators surround the central space

  2. A sloping, semicircular seating gallery
    • - I was permitted to attend a lecture in the amphitheater of the hospital
  3. A large circular hollow in rocks or hills
    • - that vast amphitheater chiseled out of the mountain

  1. a sloping gallery with seats for spectators (as in an operating room or theater)
  2. an oval large stadium with tiers of seats; an arena in which contests and spectacles are held
  3. An amphitheatre (alternatively amphitheater) is an open-air venue used for entertainment and performances. ...
  4. a circular or semi-circular arrangement of tiered seats or steps which face a stage
  5. the design of classical Greek theaters, consisting of a stage area surrounded by a semicircle of tiered seats.
  6. A structure whose seats form an ellipse or oval around an arena. Used to stage gladiatorial combats and other spectacles.
  7. a semi-circular large, outdoor theater with seats rising in tiers from a central acting area
  8. an oval building designed for the staging of gladiatorial and animal spectacles. The most famous is the Colosseum (Dersin).
  9. a round or oval shaped building with seats surrounding a center area used for contests or other public sporting events; the word “amphi” comes from the Latin words meaning “around, on both sides.”
  10. From the Greek words 'amphi', on both sides, + 'theatron', the ancient Roman building type used for gladiatorial contests and other entertainments. ...
  11. The circular structure characterized by rising tiers of stone seats contained within an arched stone outer wall that was used by Romans for circus performances and gladiatorial contest.
  12. Open air, uncovered seating area, typically located on a sloping hillside; see "Outdoor Gathering Center"
  13. The open air red stone structure is for competitions and workshops.
  14. (HEAR IT) (plural=amphitheaters) an open-air theater that seated people in a semi circle to watch a play or drama
  15. (n) circular theater. The prefix amphi- means both, two, or on both sides. An amphitheater is really just two theaters placed together, so the stage is in the middle with seats all the way around.