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ampersand 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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ampersands, plural;
  1. The sign & (standing for and, as in Smith & Co., or the Latin et, as in &c

  1. a punctuation mark (&) used to represent conjunction (and)
  2. An ampersand (or epershand) "&" is a logogram representing the conjunction word "and".
  3. Ampersand is a monthly Polish newsmagazine written, edited, and published by students of Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu, National-Louis University. The name comes from the sign &, which describes the linking nature between different cultures and different perceptions of the magazine. ...
  4. The symbol "&"
  5. The special character & sometimes used for the word 'and', and also used in software programming. In EAD and XML, this character has to be encoded as & if used within the content of an archival description.
  6. n. the standard character that is called ``ampersand'' (&). See Figure 2-5.
  7. the ligature of et and a corruption of and per se and which means "and standing by itself means and".
  8. A symbol for the word "and" consisting of the two letters e and t in an elaborate ligature, from the Latin word "et," one form of Latin "and."
  9. the & sign. Schoolboys recited the Latin meaning "and by itself is 'and'," (in Latin, "and per se and"), and the phrase became shortened to ampersand.
  10. Sometimes called "and" or "concatenation" symbol.
  11. a stylized character of the Latin et used to represent the word and (&)
  12. The symbol & derived from a fusion of the letters of the Latin word et, meaning "and." Under AACR2, when the title proper contains an ampersand (example: Notes & Queries), it is transcribed in the title and statement of responsibility area of the bibliographic description exactly as it appears ...
  13. A symbol denoting the word "and," whose form is derived from the Latin "et." (Thus "&c." for "etc.") It is often considered the most interesting standard character in a typeface. In addition, typographers suggest using the best available ampersand rather than the default ampersand.
  14. A mark used by Colt to indicate a revolver having been returned to the factory for repair or refinishing.
  15. Term for the '&' mark, meaning 'and'.
  16. N (punctuation) kaj-signoBW