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amontillado 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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amontillados, plural;
  1. A medium dry sherry

  1. pale medium-dry sherry from Spain
  2. Amontillado is a variety of sherry that is darker than fino but lighter than oloroso.
  3. Spanish sherry, in the Montilla style, usually darker and older than a fino.
  4. a style of sherry that is richer in color and aromas than a Fino. An Amontillado has a layer of the 'flor' to start with, but as the yeast dissipates, the wine is 'fortified' to approximately 17.5% alcohol to prevent rapid oxidation. ...
  5. A style of Sherry obtained when fino is aged for a long time in wood. It resembles wines formerly prepared only in Montilla. They are still prepared in Montilla and the term is used both for Sherries and Montilla-Moriles wines of the appropriate style.
  6. (ah-mon-tee-yah-doh) is a nutty dry sherry produced in Spain.
  7. A sherry that is aged for a time under flor yeast, then given a boost in alcohol to kill the layer of yeast. ...
  8. Term describing a semi-dry Sherry.