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amoeba 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
  1. ameba: naked freshwater or marine or parasitic protozoa that form temporary pseudopods for feeding and locomotion
  2. Amoeba is a studio album by Critters Buggin of Seattle, Washington recorded and released in 1999.
  3. Amoeba is an experimental music group that fuses the pop and ambient music genres. They formed in California, USA in 1992. The core members of the group are ambient musician Robert Rich and guitarist/bassist Rick Davies.
  4. Amoeba (sometimes amœba or ameba, plural amoebae) is a genus of protozoan.
  5. In complex analysis, a branch of mathematics, an amoeba is a set associated with a polynomial in one or more complex variables. Amoebas have applications in algebraic geometry. There is independently a concept of "amoeba order" in set theory.
  6. (Amoebae) Amoeboids are single-celled life-forms characterized by an irregular shape.
  7. A genus of unicellular protozoa that moves by means of temporary projections called pseudopodia; The graph of the real part of the logarithms of a polynomial equation in complex numbers
  8. Rare spelling of amoeba
  9. (Amoebae) A unicellular organism which may either obtain energy by means of photosynthesis or by ingesting other organic material. The organism has no wall or coat outside its cell membrane; it moves and feeds by means of pseudopodia.
  10. A single celled protozoan that is widely found in fresh and salt water. Some types of amoebas cause diseases such as amoebic dysentery.
  11. A small, single-celled animal or protozoan.
  12. A microscopic, one-celled animal consisting of a naked mass of protoplasm.
  13. Any organism in a polyphyletic grouping of organisms which move and feed using pseudopodia. For more information about amoebae see Amoebae: Protists Which Move and Feed Using Pseudopodia.
  14. A microscopic single-celled animal that moves by making continuous protrusions of the body and feeds by engulfing bits of food.*
  15. A genus of naked, lobose, pseudopod-forming protozoa of the class Sarcodina that are abundant soil-dwellers, especially in rich organic debris, and are also commonly found as parasites.
  16. A single-celled eukaryote that has no fixed shape. This phenotype is found in many eukaryotic lineages.
  17. Very small living organisms (30 to 500 micrometers long) found in freshwater or saltwater, as well as in wetland surfaces.
  18. a protozoan the shape of which is subject to constant change due to it’s ability to form and retract limb like projections which aid it’s mobility.
  19. a kind of simple eukaryotic organism that typically moves by extending lobes of its cytoplasm
  20. A single-celled organism, many species of which live in free in water. A few are pathogens, amoebic dysentery is caused by an amoeba that parasitises the gut. ...
  21. Unicellular tropic stage of slime moulds.
  22. a protist, found in fresh water, salt water, and soil, that uses pseudopods to move and eat
  23. A type of protozoa (one-celled animal) that can move or change its shape by extending projections of its cytoplasm.
  24. Protist that moves when its cytoplasm flows into projections called pseudopods.
  25. Name for Total Ministry used in the Episcopal Diocese of Northern Michigan