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ammonia 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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A colorless gas with a characteristic pungent smell. It dissolves in water to give a strongly alkaline solution,
  1. A colorless gas with a characteristic pungent smell. It dissolves in water to give a strongly alkaline solution

  2. A solution of this gas, used as a cleaning fluid

  1. ammonia water: a water solution of ammonia
  2. a pungent gas compounded of nitrogen and hydrogen (NH3)
  3. Ammonia is a compound of nitrogen and hydrogen with the formula NH3. It is a colourless gas with a characteristic pungent odour. Ammonia contributes significantly to the nutritional needs of terrestrial organisms by serving as a precursor to food and fertilizers. ...
  4. An alternative rock band from Australia, Ammonia made a name for themselves in the 1990s, producing a mixture of grunge and guitar pop (a sound they described as 'pop-metal'). ...
  5. This page provides supplementary chemical data on ammonia.
  6. A dissolved gas that even in low concentrations is toxic to fish. It is produced by the breakdown of organic waste products.
  7. A colorless, pungent, gas (NH3) that is extremely soluble in water, may be used as a refrigerant; a fixed nitrogen form suitable as fertilizer.
  8. "Some cheeses sometimes give off ammoniated gasses. We let cheese breathe a bit when we open the package but if it's overly ripe, it can give off too much ammonia."
  9. a metabolic waste product resulting from the deamination of amino acids. Ammonia is highly toxic and must be eliminated. It is highly soluble in water (as ammonium ion) and highly diffusible; hence, is the commonest form of nitrogenous excretion in aquatic animals
  10. Introduced into the water by swimmers as waste (perspiration or urine) or by other means. Quickly forms foul-smelling, body- irritating chloramines - a disabled, less- effective form of chlorine. See chloramines or combined chlorine.
  11. A colorless, alkaline gas with a pungent odor; its chemical formula is NH3. It is formed naturally when bacteria decompose nitrogen-containing compounds, such as proteins. It is used in the manufacture of plastics, explosives and fertilizers, applied as a gas.
  12. Produced primarily from natural gas and air, Ammonia is the first product made in nitrogen fertilizer production. It can also be applied directly to soils. ...
  13. NH3, this is one of the steps in the nitrogen cycle. It is toxic to most creatures, and should be at un-measurable levels after a tank has cycled.
  14. A chemical compound made up of carbon and hydrogen that can be toxic, and also contribute to the nutrient enrichment of waters.
  15. abbreviated as NH3 (one part nitrogen and 3 parts hydrogen), ammonia is released into the aquarium from uneaten fish foods, fish wastes and other biological processes. ...
  16. There is no MCL established for ammonia. Ammonia is very toxic to fish and aquatic life. Ammonia concentrations of 0.06 mg/L can cause gill damage in fish and 0.2 mg/L is lethal to trout. Concentrations in excess of 0.1 mg/L suggest domestic or agricultural sources of waste.
  17. n: ammonia is a pungent, colorless gas.
  18. Serves as the catalyst in the SCR process, chemically converting the diesel exhaust fluid /exhaust stream mixture into nitrogen and water vapor before it exits the tailpipe.
  19. A by-product of the digestion of protein in the gut that is toxic if not filtered by the liver.
  20. The odour/flavour stimulus usually associated with ammonia production from such processes as protein breakdown and illustrated by ammonia-based cleaning compounds.
  21. NH3 - colorless, odorless form of nitrogen that is toxic to pond fish; produced from decaying organic matter, is present in fish wastes, and excreted from fish gills; test levels should be zero.
  22. is a colourless gas with the well known pungent odour found in household cleaners. NH3 is produced both by natural and human sources including the decay of plant material and animal waste. In Alberta, the fertilizer and commercial feedlots are the main industrial sources of NH3.
  23. is found in a wide range of cleaning products and can be a severe eye and respiratory irritant causing burning pain and corrosive damage including chemical burns, cataracts and corneal damage. It can also cause kidney and liver damage. ...
  24. An Alkaline ingredient used in some permanent hair color. Ammonia is an ingredient that results in a chemical action that decolorizes the hair.
  25. Commonly found at mine sites, where it is used in explosives. It is also found at some former mine sites where cyanide was used. The cyanide breaks down over time into ammonia and carbon dioxide in tailings and tailings water.