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ammo 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
  1. ammunition: projectiles to be fired from a gun
  2. Ammunition, often informally referred to as ammo, is a generic term derived from the French language la munition which embraced all material used for war (from the Latin munire, to provide), but which in time came to refer specifically to gunpowder and artillery. ...
  3. Ammo is a Belgian-Canadian band consisting of John Sellekaers and C-drik Fermont. Their style range from electro to musical improvisation. Since 2000, they released an handful of CDs and vinyls. Including breakbeat remixes of Bon Jovi, Britney Spears and Shaggy.
  4. Ammo is a fictional supervillain in the Marvel Universe.
  5. Ammo also known as Joshua Coleman is an American musician, songwriter, and record producer. In November 2008, Ammo was signed to noted producer Dr. Luke's publishing company Prescription Songs as an exclusive producer and songwriter. ...
  6. The Munitions Systems Specialist career field (AFSC 2W0X1, previously 461X0), commonly referred to as AMMO, is the munitions and weapons branch of the U.S. Air Force.
  7. Short form of ammunition
  8. ammunition, usually bullets but including grenades and other carried munitions; see tracer bullets, bandolier, OPDEM
  9. Ships using ammunition based guns, such as Raks.
  10. ( Anime (SciFi) Editore Planetario [HP] M. Caruccio¸ P. Cioni¸ B. Chies )
  11. Ammunition. Usually for rifles, though occasionally used to indicate that for artillery.
  12. is how much bullets you have left in the Kung Fu Gunfire and Super Bullets before the move will end, if you end the move and there are bullets remaining in the bar, you will use up these bullets first before reloading. ...
  13. Even the most efficient marksmen will need to stock up on paint at some point. You will find these ammo blobs scattered about many levels so running out of paint is rarely an issue. If you find loads of these ammo blobs together then it’s a sure sign that you’ve got a lot of shooting ahead!
  14. Ammo is short for Ammunition and is limited for each player, team, base, or game (called a Live Play or Mission). This is determined by the type of weapon the player selects, or the parameters of the mission.
  15. A slang term for ammunition.