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americium 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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The chemical element of atomic number 95, a radioactive metal of the actinide series,
  1. The chemical element of atomic number 95, a radioactive metal of the actinide series

  1. a radioactive transuranic metallic element; discovered by bombarding uranium with helium atoms
  2. The chemical element (symbol Am) with an atomic number of 95
  3. a silvery metal; it is a man-made element whose isotopes Am-237 through Am-246 are all radioactive. Am-241 is formed spontaneously by the beta decay of plutonium-241. Trace quantities of americium are widely used in smoke detectors, and as neutron sources in neutron moisture gauges.
  4. Symbol:"Am" Atomic Number:"95" Atomic Mass: (243)amu. Americium is one of the elements in the actinide series of inner transition elements. It may also be classified as a rare earth element. This element is radioactive and can be safely used in small amounts. ...
  5. An artificial radioactive element with atomic number 95 (symbol Am), produced in nuclear explosions and reactors; emits alpha particles.
  6. A fissionable, artificial element that can be used to produce nuclear explosives. The principal isotope, americium 241, is created as a result of the decay of plutonium 241. Other important isotopes are americium 242 and 243.