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ambulatory 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Relating to or adapted for walking,
  1. Relating to or adapted for walking

  2. Able to walk; not bedridden
    • - ambulatory patients
  3. Relating to patients who are able to walk
    • - an ambulatory care facility
  4. Movable; mobile
    • - an ambulatory ophthalmic service
  1. A place for walking, esp. an aisle around the apse or a cloister in a church or monastery

  1. relating to or adapted for walking; "an ambulatory corridor"
  2. a covered walkway (as in a cloister); "it has an ambulatory and seven chapels"
  3. ambulant: able to walk about; "the patient is ambulatory"
  4. The ambulatory (Med. Lat. ambulatorium, a place for walking, from ambulare, to walk) is the covered passage around a cloister. The term is sometimes applied to the procession way around the east end of a cathedral or large church and behind the high altar.
  5. Something which is not cast in stone; which can be changed or revoked, such as a will.
  6. The extension of the aisles around the apse.
  7. Passageways surrounding the central part of the choir, which is often a continuation of the side aisles (fig.1,5). The most common design of the Gothic era was the double ambulatory surrounded by semi-circular radiating chapels such as at the Abbey Church of Saint-Denis.
  8. Includes three service types: intensive outpatient, non-intensive outpatient, and ambulatory detoxification.
  9. Not stationary. Baselines from which maritime boundaries are measured ambulate with accretion and erosion causing ambulation of the boundaries themselves.
  10. involves a person's ability to move from one place to another by walking. The term generally applies to those capable of moving themselves without significant mechanical assistance and who are not bedridden.
  11. a semi-circular or polygonal aisle enclosing an apse or a straight ended sanctuary
  12. Able to get from one place to another independently (even if using assistive devices such as manual wheelchairs, canes or walkers).
  13. A semicircular or polygonal aisle which leads around the east end of the choir; often separating the choir from apses or chapels.
  14. able to walk and move about without assistance. Ambulatory care typically refers to medical care received on an outpatient basis.
  15. Internal extension to a circular or semicircular building, often forms the east end of a cathedral.
  16. Able to walk with or without difficulty or help.
  17. For purposes of residential living an ambulatory individual is one who can exit a building without any mechanical (walker or wheelchair) or personal assistance. A cane is acceptable under the ambulatory definition.
  18. The walkway surrounding the apse or choir section.
  19. Mobility not relying on walker, crutch, cane, other physical object, or use of wheelchair.
  20. The term ambulatory refers to an individual's ability to walk/move about freely, as opposed to an individual who is bedridden or wheelchair-bound.
  21. Means a person who is capable of achieving mobility sufficient to exit his residence without assistance of another person.
  22. covered portico surrounding the inner shrine of a temple
  23. The ability to walk without assistance.
  24. Information system to deal with the care of outpatients.
  25. This means that you are able to move about and walk around on your own.