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amass 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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amasses, 3rd person singular present; amassing, present participle; amassed, past tense; amassed, past participle;
  1. Gather together or accumulate (a large amount or number of valuable material or things) over a period of time
    • - starting from nothing he had amassed a huge fortune
  2. (of people) Gather together in a crowd or group
    • - the soldiers were amassing from all parts of Spain

  1. accumulate: collect or gather; "Journals are accumulating in my office"; "The work keeps piling up"
  2. roll up: get or gather together; "I am accumulating evidence for the man's unfaithfulness to his wife"; "She is amassing a lot of data for her thesis"; "She rolled up a small fortune"
  3. To collect into a mass or heap; to gather a great quantity of; to accumulate; as, to amass a treasure or a fortune; to amass words or phrases
  4. (amassed) brought together into a group or crowd
  5. To gather together; accumulate; pile up.
  6. Airport Movement Area Safety Systems