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amaranth 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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amaranths, plural;
  1. Any plant of the genus Amaranthus, typically having small green, red, or purple tinted flowers. Certain varieties are grown for food

  2. An imaginary flower that never fades

  3. A purple color

  1. seed of amaranth plants used as a native cereal in Central and South America
  2. any of various plants of the genus Amaranthus having dense plumes of green or red flowers; often cultivated for food
  3. Amaranthus, collectively known as amaranth, is a cosmopolitan genus of herbs. Approximately 60 species are recognized, with inflorescences and foliage ranging from purple and red to gold. Members of this genus share many characteristics and uses with members of the closely related genus Celosia.
  4. Amaranth is a reddish-rose color that is a representation of the color of the flower of the amaranth plant. ...
  5. Amaranth, FD&C Red No. 2, E123, C.I. Food Red 9, Acid Red 27, Azorubin S, or C.I. 16185, is a dark red to purple azo dye once used as a food dye and to color cosmetics, but since 1976 it has been banned in the United States by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as it is a suspected ...
  6. Gomphrena the Globe amaranths, is a genus of plants in the family Amaranthaceae.
  7. Amaranth Advisors LLC was an American investment adviser managing multi-strategy hedge funds with approximately US$9 billion in assets. In September 2006, it collapsed after losing roughly US$6 billion on natural gas futures. ...
  8. "Amaranth" is the second single of Finnish symphonic metal band Nightwish's Dark Passion Play album. has been added to their official website.
  9. Any of various herbs, of the genus Amaranthus; Their flowers' characteristic purplish red color; a red to purple azo dye used as a food colouring and in cosmetics; The seed of these plants, used as a cereal
  10. This weed is a nourishing, high-protein food. Amaranth greens have a slightly sweet flavor. The seeds are used as cereal or can be ground into flour for bread. Found in health food stores.
  11. (There is also a grain called amaranth.)
  12. Amaranth is a small seed from a broadleaf plant. Originally cultivated by both the Aztecs and the Incas, amaranth provides us more protein, calcium, iron, potassium, phosphorus, and magnesium than most other grains. Amaranth is gluten free.
  13. A plant (Amaranthus spp.), related to pigweed and celosia, with edible grainlike seeds that are hull-less and gluten-free. The edible leaves are also highly nutritious.
  14. An ancient grain used by the Aztecs. It has a taste that is faintly reminiscent of corn. The sees are yellowish brown and tiny; cooked amaranth tends to be soupy rather than fluffy, and it is often mixed with other grains. Can also be used to thicken soups.
  15. A seed that can be crushed or ground to flour and added to breads. Amaranth does not have significant amounts of gluten and no more than 1/2 cup per loaf should be added.
  16. n. 1. a plant of the genus Amaranthus, with colorful leaves and, in some instances, showy, tassellike heads of flowers, as the love-lies-bleeding, pigweed, etc. 2. Poetic: an imaginary flower that never fades
  17. Attributed to the Aztec Indians, amaranth is extremely high in protein, vitamins, minerals and calcium. You can find amaranth grain, cereals, etc., in your health food store and may find some in large grocery stores. ...
  18. is a seed similar to quinoa that has a distinctive sweet but peppery taste. It cooks like a grain and offers a near-complete plant protein, which will help you stabilize your blood sugar levels and lose weight. It’s rich in iron, magnesium, and calcium. Find it as the whole grain or flour.
  19. Purple toned wood used in veneers since the 18th century; also known as "purple heart" and "violet wood".
  20. Friendly for gluten-free diets, amaranth seeds and flour are growing in popularity. The seeds can be combined with other grains in baking or can be used on their own as a healthy cereal.
  21. Within the genus Amaranthus, more than fifty species, including both cultivated and weedy species, are eaten as greens. The cultivated species are collectively called "amaranth." Another crop of the amaranth family grown in tropical Asia for its edible leaves is Celosia argentea. ...
  22. A tiny seed belonging to the Amaranthus family. High in lysine content and protein. Adds a sweet moistness to baked goods when ground into flour.
  23. Andrew Lee’s favorite breakfast grain; high in iron, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, and manganese - and a relatively good source of calcium; also a complete protein(See definition, below).
  24. A beautiful name for a group of plants that are found primarily in tropical areas. While some are grown for their seed which is used as a grain, and others are treated as weeds, there are several varieties which are grown as a leaf vegetable. ...
  25. Four-masted barquentine that broke the record for the Astoria, Oregon to Shanghai run (23 days) ^[4]