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amalgamation 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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amalgamations, plural;
  1. The action, process, or result of combining or uniting
    • - the threat of amalgamation with a competitor
    • - an amalgamation of two separate companies
  2. The action or process of alloying a metal with mercury

  1. the combination of two or more commercial companies
  2. (amalgamate) mix: to bring or combine together or with something else; "resourcefully he mingled music and dance"
  3. (amalgamated) amalgamate: joined together into a whole; "United Industries"; "the amalgamated colleges constituted a university"; "a consolidated school"
  4. Consolidation or amalgamation is the act of merging many things into one. In business, it often refers to the mergers and acquisitions of many smaller companies into much larger ones. ...
  5. Amalgamation or amalgam, when used to refer to a fictional character or place, refers to one that was created by combining, or is perceived to be a combination, of several other previously existing characters or locations. ...
  6. Amalgamation is a now largely archaic term for the intermarriage and interbreeding of different ethnicities or races. In the English-speaking world, the term was in use into the twentieth century. In the United States, it was partly replaced after 1863 by the term miscegenation. ...
  7. The patio process was a process used to extract silver from ore. It was developed by Bartolomé Medina in Pachuca, Hidalgo, Mexico in 1557 for the Pachuca-Real del Monte mines. The patio process was the first process to use mercury amalgamation to recover silver from ore. ...
  8. An amalgamated name is a name that is form by combining several previously existing names. These may take the form of an acronym (where only one letter of each name is taken) or a blend (where a large part of each name is taken, such as the first syllable).
  9. A merger or amalgamation in a political or administrative sense is the combination of two or more political or administrative entities such as municipalities (in other words cities, towns, etc.), counties, districts, etc. into a single entity. ...
  10. The process of amalgamating; a mixture, merger or consolidation; The result of amalgamating; a mixture or alloy; Specifically, the production of an alloy of mercury and another metal
  11. (amalgamate) To merge, to combine, to blend, to join; To make an alloy of a metal and mercury; To combine (free groups) by identifying respective isomorphic subgroups
  12. (amalgamated) The state of having been combined from two or more entities into one specific entity whilst retaining the defining characteristics of the original source entities
  13. (Amalgamations) Clusters, Combinations. A group or sequence of dance figures or patterns.
  14. (amalgamate) To combine and make into a whole.
  15. (Amalgamate) The forming of an amalgam; the union of two materials; an alloy.
  16. (amalgamating) Process in which alloys are formed with mercury such as gold, silver, iron, copper and aluminum. Due to the toxicity of mercury, use of the technique is declining.
  17. The dissolving or blending of a metal (commonly gold and silver) in mercury to separate it from its parent material.
  18. The technique of using mercury to attract small particles of crushed gold and join with them in an amalgam, or alloy. Gold may be recovered by distilling off the mercury.
  19. The merging of two things together to form one such as the amalgamation of different companies to form a single company.
  20. When two or more organizations, such as municipalities, combine. See Merger.
  21. A consolidation or merger, as of several corporations. In business, the distinction being that the surviving entity incorporates the asset base of others into its base.
  22. a process using mercury to collect fine particles of gold or silver from pulverized ore. Both precious metals dissolve in the silvery liquid, while rock does not; they can later be released by applying heat or pressure to the mercury.
  23. Occurs when one firm combines with others to form an entirely new company; former identities are relinquished.
  24. The blending of municipalities into one entity
  25. An amalgamation involves the complete merging of the assets, liabilities, and shareholdings of two or more corporations. All the former corporations cease to exist and a new corporation is born. ...