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amalgam 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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amalgams, plural;
  1. A mixture or blend
    • - a curious amalgam of the traditional and the modern
  2. An alloy of mercury with another metal, esp. one used for dental fillings

  1. an alloy of mercury with another metal (usually silver) used by dentists to fill cavities in teeth; except for iron and platinum all metals dissolve in mercury and chemists refer to the resulting mercury mixtures as amalgams
  2. a combination or blend of diverse things; "his theory is an amalgam of earlier ideas"
  3. An amalgam, from Medieval Latin amalgama, "alloy of mercury (esp. with gold or silver)," perhaps an alteration of L. ...
  4. Amalgam Comics was an American comic book publisher of metafiction; it was a collaboration between Marvel Comics and DC Comics, in which the two comic book publishers merged their characters to create new ones (e.g. ...
  5. Dental amalgam is the most commonly used dental restorative material used for dental fillings. First introduced in France in the early 1800s, it contains a mixture of mercury with at least one other metal. ...
  6. Amalgam is a fictional character in the Marvel Universe, a hero who is known to go through the timestream and absorb the traits of dying mutants, so that part of them can still carry on the quest for mutantkind. She first appeared in Uncanny X-Men Annual #16. ...
  7. A combination of different things; An alloy containing mercury
  8. A silver/mercury mixture which is used for restoring lost tooth structure.
  9. A most common filling material, also known as "silver fillings,"containing mercury (app 50%), silver, tin, copper and zinc used for fillings
  10. A mixture with mercury and silver, gold, copper or another metal, known since classical times. A major use is in dentistry.
  11. a combination of metals, usually including silver, nickel and mercury used to filled cavities in teeth
  12. a metal alloy used in filling cavities.
  13. Silver filling. Amalgams are usually placed on the back teeth (posterior teeth).
  14. A special metal used in permanent fillings.
  15. A mixture of mercury and other metals used in Compact Fluorescent lamps to allow the lamps to have a stable light output over a wide range of temperatures and burning positions. The amalgam causes the lamp to have a 60 second warm-up time.
  16. A metal alloy consisting of silver, tin, zinc, and copper combined with mercury and used as a restorative material for teeth.
  17. An alloy used in direct dental restorations.
  18. Material made from mercury and other alloy mixtures used to restore a drilled portion of a tooth.
  19. A dental filling material, composed of mercury and other minerals, used to fill decayed teeth.
  20. Typical silver colored filling made of mix of silver, tin, mercury, and some other trace elements like copper. Advantages- placement easier than other materials, cost. Disadvantages-color, breaks down in mouth releasing mercury and other trace metals.  Stains teeth over time.
  21. This is a type of filling made up of several different metals. It is silver in color and is mainly used on back teeth.
  22. A mixture that puts mercury in a solid form.
  23. any metallic alloy which has mercury in it.
  24. A "silver filling" is a euphemism for an amalgam restoration, which a dentist places in a patient's tooth after a cavity is created by drilling out decay. Amalgam restorations consist of mercury, silver, tin, copper, and a trace amount of zinc. ...
  25. The blending of two or more meanings into one name. The Dodge Caravan minivan is a serendipitous amalgam of “car” and “van,” in addition to being a fitting name in its own right. According to a Dodge ad, “We added ‘minivan’ to the English language; ‘car-like’ came from you.”