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alumna 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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alumnae, plural;
  1. A female graduate or former student of a particular school, college, or university

  1. alumnus: a person who has received a degree from a school (high school or college or university)
  2. An alumnus (pl. alumni), according to the American Heritage Dictionary, is "a graduate (JC) or former student of a school, college, or university". In addition, an alumna (pl. alumnae) is "a female graduate or former student of a school, college, or university". ...
  3. (Alumnae) A sorority member who has graduated from college.
  4. (Alumnae) the plural of alumna
  5. A graduated member of a Women’s Sorority/fraternity; plural: Alumnae. Alumnae often support chapter activities through donations, assistance with advising, employment of undergraduates, etc.