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altarpiece 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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altarpieces, plural;
  1. A work of art, esp. a painting on wood, set above and behind an altar

  1. a painted or carved screen placed above and behind an altar or communion table
  2. An altarpiece is a picture or relief representing a religious subject and suspended in a frame behind the altar of a church. The altarpiece is often made up of two or more separate panels created using a technique known as panel painting. ...
  3. a work of art suspended above and behind an altar in a church
  4. A picture or sculpture that stands on or is set up behind an altar. The term reredos is used for an ornamental screen or partition, not directly attached to the altar table but affixed to the wall behind it. ...
  5. An image-bearing structure positioned on the rear of the altar.
  6. a devotional work of art placed behind or above a Christian altar (examples: Masaccio's Trinity, Michelangelo's Pieta, Titian's Pesaro Madonna, Bernini's St. Teresa).
  7. a painted or carved panel or winged structure placed at the back or behind an altar. Contains religious imagery, often specific to the place of worship for which it was made.