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almshouse 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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almshouses, plural;
  1. A house built originally by a charitable person or organization for poor people to live in

  1. Almshouses are charitable housing provided to enable people (typically elderly people who can no longer work to earn enough to pay rent) to live in a particular community. ...
  2. The Almshouse is an historic almshouse at 41 Orchard Street in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
  3. (almshouses) houses built by a charity for poor people to live in
  4. (Almshouses) Independent local charitable trusts that provide affordable housing for older people with a variety of needs. Almshouses were traditionally set up for people living in a specific geographical area or connected with a particular trade. ...
  5. privately funded lodgings for the poor, as opposed to the workhouse, which was publicly funded.
  6. A place established for the support of the aged or disabled poor
  7. hospitals of the 12th to 14th centuries founded in order to shelter the aged or infirm, or hospitals of the 15th to 16th centuries which acted as residential homes for the poor
  8. An establishment, usually funded by a charitable endowment, providing free or subsidised accommodation for the elderly poor of good character, and typically constructed as a row of small self-contained cottages. ...
  9. For a young woman to dream of an alms-house, denotes she will meet failure in her efforts to contract a worldly marriage.
  10. unsavoury behaviour or situation.
  11. An institution for the poor.
  12. A charitable home for those in need. *