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almoner 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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almoners, plural;
  1. An official distributor of alms

  1. an official in a British hospital who looks after the social and material needs of the patients
  2. An almoner is a chaplain or church officer who originally was in charge of distributing cash to the 'deserving' poor.
  3. one who distributes alms, especially the doles and alms of religious houses, almshouses; one who dispenses alms for another, as the almoner of a prince, bishop; a title given to a royal officer charged with the duty of distributing alms or bounty on behalf of a monarch
  4. (Almoners) These were two or three persons who received money or other necessities for the poor.
  5. a religious official charged with distributing alms to the sick and poor
  6. gave out alms or charity to the poor on behalf of the parish
  7. Member of the priest’s staff in court or in a castle, responsible for offerings to the poor. The almoner gathered leftovers from the table, made gifts of cloth and tallow to the poor.
  8. a church official whose duty it was to distribute charity (alms) Thomas Wolsey had once been Henry VIII's almoner, that is, he oversaw the distribution of alms on his behalf.
  9. A monastic official charged with managing the community's charitable donations to the poor.
  10. a person who gives to charity or those in need.
  11. The personal who distributes alms to the poor, usually employed by lords and ladies.
  12. monastic official who dispensed a monastery's almsgiving
  13. n. - official who distributes alms; hospital official who interviews prospective patients, etc. almonry, n. place for alms distribution.
  14. Official appointed to distribute alms.
  15. Giver of charity to the needy