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allure 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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allures, plural;
  1. Powerfully attract or charm; tempt

  1. The quality of being powerfully and mysteriously attractive or fascinating
    • - people for whom gold holds no allure

  1. the power to entice or attract through personal charm
  2. tempt: dispose or incline or entice to; "We were tempted by the delicious-looking food"
  3. (alluring) highly attractive and able to arouse hope or desire; "an alluring prospect"; "her alluring smile"; "the voice was low and beguiling"; "difficult to say no to an enticing advertisement"; "a tempting invitation"
  4. Allure was the first album by the band Allure released in 1997. Allure's debut had the mixed blessing of being the first album on Mariah Carey's label, Crave. Carey's certainly helped Allure to line up celebrity collaborators, from Nas and L.L. Cool J to Q-Tip, Carey and Dickie Fung.
  5. Allure is a New York-based R&B girl group that formed in the early 1990s as a quartet, now a trio. Original members were Alia Davis, Linnie Belcher, Lalisha McClean and Akissa Mendez .
  6. Allure is a women's beauty magazine. It was founded in 1991 by Linda Wells, and Wells remains the magazine's editor in chief. The magazine has different features, all based on the subject of beauty. ...
  7. (alluring) The action of the verb allure; Having the power to allure
  8. Wall-walk, passage behind the parapet of a castle wall.
  9. A model of automobile from the Buick division of General Motors from 2005-current. The same model in the United States is called the LaCrosse (an offensive term in Quebec). It has a 3.8 Liter V-6 engine and a 4-speed automatic transmission; wheelbase is 2807mm; overall length is 5031mm.
  10. It comes from the French verb aleurrer which means "to bait". Someone who is alluring "baits" others into finding them attractive.
  11. Walkway along the top of a wall.
  12. to fascinate, attract or charm