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allow 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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allows, 3rd person singular present; allowed, past participle; allowed, past tense; allowing, present participle;
  1. Admit (an event or activity) as legal or acceptable
    • - a plan to allow Sunday shopping
    • - a reservoir with no hunting or overnight camping allowed
  2. Give (someone) permission to do something
    • - the dissident was allowed to leave the country
  3. Permit (someone) to have (something)
    • - he was allowed his first sip of Scotch and soda
  4. Permit (someone) to enter a place or go in a particular direction
    • - the river was patrolled and few people were allowed across
  5. Fail to prevent (something) from happening
    • - I could not believe that we would allow the opportunity to slip away
  6. Give the necessary time or opportunity for
    • - they agreed to a ceasefire to allow talks with the government
    • - he stopped for a moment to allow his eyes to adjust
    • - my household duties were too many to allow of a visit to the hospital
  7. Make provision or provide scope for (something)
    • - the house was demolished to allow for road widening
  8. Take (something) into consideration when making plans or calculations
    • - income rose by 11 percent allowing for inflation
  9. Provide or set aside (a specified amount of something) for a specific purpose
    • - allow an hour or so for driving
  10. Admit the truth of; concede
    • - he allowed that the penalty appeared too harsh for the crime
    • - “Could happen,” she allowed indifferently
  11. Assert; be of the opinion
    • - Lincoln allowed that he himself could never support the man

  1. let: make it possible through a specific action or lack of action for something to happen; "This permits the water to rush in"; "This sealed door won't allow the water come into the basement"; "This will permit the rain to run off"
  2. permit: consent to, give permission; "She permitted her son to visit her estranged husband"; "I won't let the police search her basement"; "I cannot allow you to see your exam"
  3. let have; "grant permission"; "Mandela was allowed few visitors in prison"
  4. give or assign a resource to a particular person or cause; "I will earmark this money for your research"; "She sets aside time for meditation every day"
  5. leave: make a possibility or provide opportunity for; permit to be attainable or cause to remain; "This leaves no room for improvement"; "The evidence allows only one conclusion"; "allow for mistakes"; "leave lots of time for the trip"; "This procedure provides for lots of leeway"
  6. allow or plan for a certain possibility; concede the truth or validity of something; "I allow for this possibility"; "The seamstress planned for 5% shrinkage after the first wash"
  7. admit: afford possibility; "This problem admits of no solution"; "This short story allows of several different interpretations"
  8. give up: allow the other (baseball) team to score; "give up a run"
  9. grant as a discount or in exchange; "The camera store owner allowed me $50 on my old camera"
  10. allow the presence of or allow (an activity) without opposing or prohibiting; "We don't allow dogs here"; "Children are not permitted beyond this point"; "We cannot tolerate smoking in the hospital"
  11. To grant, give, admit, accord, afford, or yield; to let one have; To acknowledge; to accept as true; to concede; to accede to an opinion; To grant (something) as a deduction or an addition; especially to abate or deduct; To grant license to; to permit; to consent to; To not bar or obstruct; ...
  12. (Allowed) means "having permission": His boss allowed him to take the weekend off.
  13. (Allowed) the status of materials that may be used in organic production, processing, or handling.
  14. be allowed to: motan
  15. (Allowing) the state of alignment with the Well-Being that flows from Source.  Allowing is deliberately giving your attention only to that which causes a vibration of alignment with Source.  When you are allowing, you always feel good.
  16. (Allowing) Our system has an innate sense of balance and ease. It is our job to get out of the way and allow our organism to function in this way. We can learn to trust that our body/mind will work for us in the best way possible.
  17. (Allowing) death—e.g. by not providing life support or vital medication—is not considered euthanasia if it is the patient's wish. It is sometimes called passive euthanasia in cases where the patient is unable to make decisions about treatment. ...
  18. (Allowing) is permitting others to do what they want and find their own way without judgment or questioning on our part. In important relationships, allowing implies actual support such as covering childcare or housework, or allowing spending etc.
  19. contrary to what you might think, this means "absolutely no way. Ever." As in: Tutor: "Do you think you'll be able to hand in your work by Thursday? I'd be ever so grateful, I have so much marking to do over the weekend already." Class: "Allow that."
  20. As in 'Forget it, don't worry about it'.
  21. v. to agree to let something happen, not to interfere with an action
  22. No, I haven’t/won’t.
  23. Low in or on; below.