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allergen 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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allergens, plural;
  1. A substance that causes an allergic reaction

  1. any substance that can cause an allergy
  2. (allergenic) relating to or having the effect of an allergen
  3. An allergen is a nonparasitic antigen capable of stimulating a type-I hypersensitivity reaction in atopic individuals.
  4. A substance which causes an allergic reaction
  5. Allergens are substances that cause allergic reactions. They include pollens, dust particles, mold spores, food, latex rubber, insects, insect feces, animals or medicines.
  6. (allergens) Antigens that provoke an allergic reaction.
  7. (Allergens) Substances that cause allergic reactions in some people.
  8. (Allergens) Products may contain traces of nuts and/or milk proteins
  9. (Allergens) (al-er-jenz) - things (animals, plants, or foods) that cause allergy symptoms.
  10. (Allergens) A substance that is known by the monitoring agency to cause irritation to individuals that have a sensitivity to this component.
  11. (Allergens) dust mite excretion, pollen and pet dander are all common allergens, but it is possible to be allergic to anything from chlorine to perfume. ...
  12. A protein molecule (antigen) that can trigger the immune system to produce antibodies and thereby cause an allergic reaction. Examples are proteins in pollen, house dust mites and animal dander (dead skin cells).
  13. An antigen responsible for producing allergic reactions by inducing IgE formation.
  14. A substance capable of producing an exaggerated or adverse reaction, such as sneezing, coughing, rash or irritation in sensitive individuals.
  15. a substance that can produce a hypersensitive reaction in the body.
  16. an antigen, a substance capable of inducing allergy or specific hypersensitivity.
  17. a substance that causes an allergic reaction. Allergens stimulate the body’s immune system to produce antibody proteins, to counteract the allergen. Examples of common allergens include dust, pollen, pet dander and mould.
  18. a substance which produces an allergy
  19. A substance causing the immune system to react abnormally. Common allergens are grass, tree and weed pollens, pet dander and dust. For individuals sensitive to these substances, allergens can cause mast cells in the eyes to release histamine and other chemicals, resulting in eye allergy symptoms.
  20. Any substance capable of causing an allergic reaction e.g., pollens, moulds, animal dander, house dust mites, foods, insect stings, medications, natural latex, etc.
  21. Any substance that causes an allergyAn inappropriate and harmful response of the immune system to normally harmless substances..
  22. is anything that can produce an allergic reaction, such as weed pollens, mold spores, cat dander and house dust mites.
  23. An antigen that provokes an immune response.
  24. When a "normal" substance like food or grass begins to act as an antigen to produce IgE antibodies in an individual, the substance is called an "allergen. ...
  25. a substance or protein that starts an allergic response (i.e.: shortness of breath, rash or hives, itching, swelling of lips or throat).