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allege 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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alleges, 3rd person singular present; alleging, present participle; alleged, past tense; alleged, past participle;
  1. Claim or assert that someone has done something illegal or wrong, typically without proof that this is the case
    • - he alleged that he had been assaulted
    • - the offenses are alleged to have been committed outside the woman's home
    • - he is alleged to have assaulted five men
  2. Suppose or affirm to be the case
    • - the first artifact ever alleged to be from Earhart's aircraft

  1. report or maintain; "He alleged that he was the victim of a crime"; "He said it was too late to intervene in the war"; "The registrar says that I owe the school money"
  2. (alleged) declared but not proved; "alleged abuses of housing benefits"- Wall Street Journal
  3. alleged(a): doubtful or suspect; "these so-called experts are no help"
  4. (allegement) allegation: statements affirming or denying certain matters of fact that you are prepared to prove
  5. (allegation) (law) a formal accusation against somebody (often in a court of law); "an allegation of malpractice"
  6. An allegation (also called adduction) is a claim of a fact by a party in a pleading, which the party claims to be able to prove. Allegations remain assertions without proof, until they can be proved.
  7. (Alleged (horse)) Alleged (1974–2000) was a champion American-bred Thoroughbred racehorse best remembered as winning back-to-back Prix de l'Arc de Triomphes in 1977 and 1978. ...
  8. To lighten, diminish
  9. (allegation) An assertion, especially an accusation, not necessarily based on facts; The act of alleging
  10. (Alleged) Asserted without or before proof.
  11. (Alleged) Fish that are declared or stated to be as triploid.
  12. (Alleged) This word is used by the legal system to indicate something that has not yet been proven. You may hear "alleged" suspect or "alleged" victim.
  13. (alleged) One of the basic principles of Canada’s justice system is that all people are presumed innocent until they are proven guilty in a court of law. ...
  14. (allegation) something that someone says happened.
  15. (Allegation) an accusation, including an accusation of sexual abuse of a minor, brought against a person by a complainant which is reported to the diocese or religious institute.
  16. (Allegation) A statement of fact in a pleading yet to be proved.
  17. (Allegation) a statement of claimed fact contained in a complaint.
  18. "Allegation", when used in connection with the Health Care Personnel Registry, means one of the following [N.C. ...
  19. ("Allegation") means a disclosure of possible Misconduct by a Respondent to the RIO by any means of communication.
  20. (ALLEGATION) A declaration made, but not yet substantiated. In a court of law, an assertion or contention presented by plaintiff or respondent, the merit of which is dependent on evidence subsequently presented.
  21. (ALLEGATION) A single charge on a police report
  22. (Allegation) A claim that a law has been broken. A community member, including your parents or guardian can make this statement.
  23. (Allegation) A report by a person believing or having knowledge that a person receiving services has been or is in a state of abuse, exploitation or neglect.
  24. (Allegation) An assertion made by a party in legal proceedings that is still to be proven.
  25. (Allegation) An assertion that a certain set of facts is true, such as "on Monday, I had soup for lunch" or "Bob drives a blue Camaro." Also called an allegation of fact or a statement of fact.