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aliment 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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aliments, plural;
  1. Provide with nourishment or sustenance

  1. Food; nourishment

  2. Support; sustenance

  1. nutriment: a source of materials to nourish the body
  2. nutrify: give nourishment to
  3. (alimentary) of or providing nourishment; "good nourishing stew"
  4. Aliment, in Scots law and in other civil systems, is the sum paid or allowance given in respect of the reciprocal obligation of parents and children, husband and wife, grandparents and grandchildren, to contribute to each other's maintenance. ...
  5. (Alimentation) The Human gastrointestinal tract refers to the stomach and intestine, and sometimes to all the structures from the mouth to the anus. (The "digestive system" is a broader term that includes other structures, including the accessory organs of digestion).
  6. (Alimenting) Nutrition (also called nourishment or aliment) is the provision, to cells and organisms, of the materials necessary (in the form of food) to support life. Many common health problems can be prevented or alleviated with a healthy diet.
  7. (alimentary) of, or relating to food, nutrition or digestion; nourishing; nutritious
  8. (alimentation) feeding, being fed; the provision of food and other necessities
  9. (alimentary) adjective, Latin alimentum = food, e.g., alimentary canal.
  10. (Alimentary) (As a description of a fund) - Not available to meet the claims of creditors, eg, alimentary liferent. Formerly common in ante-nuptial contracts of marriage where property was provided by the wife. Since 1984 the privilege may extend only to funds provided by third parties. ...
  11. (Alimentary) subnanism: Short stature due to malnutrition, illness or other medical problems past the first year of life. Also called hypostatura in younger children.
  12. Support or maintenance of a spouse or child enforceable by law.
  13. process of, legal process for the maintenance of children, wife, or parent.
  14. noun - 1. anything that nourishes; food 2. means of support; necessity - verb - to supply with aliment; nourish
  15. food for body or mind