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aligner 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
  1. One who, or that which, aligns
  2. (aligners) Clear plastic moulds used to straighten teeth. Also known as 'invisible braces'.
  3. (Aligners) are worn over the teeth in an effort to push them into position.  Tray style, they are similar to a sports mouth guard, just smaller and clear in appearance.  They must be removed during eating and can sometimes affect speech. ...
  4. An official who's responsible for aligning boats evenly evenly for a fair start.
  5. Official who is on the starting line. He or she makes sure that the bows of each shell are exactly even on the start line (rowing boats are called shells).
  6. type of semiconductor manufacturing equipment used to transfer patterns onto wafers through the use of photolithography and exposure. Aligners can "align" a new pattern on a reticle or mask to patterns already on the wafer, hence the name aligner. ...