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alertness 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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The quality of being alert,
  1. The quality of being alert
    • - nothing could escape the steel trap of my alertness
    • - a lack of mental alertness

  1. watchfulness: the process of paying close and continuous attention; "wakefulness, watchfulness, and bellicosity make a good hunter"; "vigilance is especially susceptible to fatigue"
  2. a state of readiness to respond; "alerting was indicated by the desynchronization of the EEG"
  3. lively attentiveness
  4. Alertness is the state of paying close and continuous attention, being watchful and prompt to meet danger or emergency, or being quick to perceive and act. It is related to psychology as well as to physiology. ...
  5. A mental factor which is a type of wisdom that examines our activity of body, speech, and mind and knows whether or not faults are developing. See Understanding the Mind.
  6. means the ability to remain awake and sustain attention.
  7. (shes-bzhin) is the mental factor that checks the condition of mindfulness’s mental hold on the object of focus. It sees if the mental hold has been lost or is too weak or too tight due to flightiness of mind or mental dullness. ...
  8. Our ability to attend, learn, and behave appropriately is dependent, in part, on our state of arousal or alertness. Usually our state of arousal is low as we wake up and rises as we get up and move about. In an alert state we are best able to attend and learn. ...
  9. Concentration, Perception, Stress, Tension.
  10. The Gateman should be on the alert and be prepared to take immediate action, should danger be apprehended.