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The medieval forerunner of chemistry, based on the supposed transformation of matter. It was concerned particularly with attempts to convert base metals into gold or to find a universal elixir,
  1. The medieval forerunner of chemistry, based on the supposed transformation of matter. It was concerned particularly with attempts to convert base metals into gold or to find a universal elixir

  2. A process by which paradoxical results are achieved or incompatible elements combined with no obvious rational explanation
    • - his conducting managed by some alchemy to give a sense of fire and ice

  1. chemistry: the way two individuals relate to each other; "their chemistry was wrong from the beginning -- they hated each other"; "a mysterious alchemy brought them together"
  2. a pseudoscientific forerunner of chemistry in medieval times
  3. (alchemical) alchemic: related to or concerned with alchemy
  4. (alchemist) one who was versed in the practice of alchemy and who sought an elixir of life and a panacea and an alkahest and the philosopher's stone
  5. Alchemy, possibly derived from the Arabic word al-kimia (الخيمياء, ALA-LC: al-khimyā’), is both a philosophy and an ancient practice focused on the attempt to change base metals into gold, investigating the preparation of the "elixir of longevity", and achieving ultimate wisdom, involving the ...
  6. Alchemy is a research project from Adobe Systems that allows compiling C and C++ code to ActionScript Virtual Machine (AVM2), so that it can be run on Flash Player or Adobe AIR. ...
  7. Alchemy (Thomas Jones) is a fictional British mutant in the Marvel Comics universe. Alchemy, created by British comic book fan Paul Betsow, was the winning entry of a contest held by Marvel Comics for the best fan-created character. ...
  8. The Elder Scrolls (abbreviated as TES) is a role-playing video game series developed by Bethesda Softworks.
  9. The following is a list of episodes for the American science fiction drama Eureka. In addition to the regularly televised episodes, there is a short webisode series called "Hide and Seek", which is available on Syfy's Eureka homepage.
  10. , is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Hiromu Arakawa. The world of Fullmetal Alchemist is styled after the European Industrial Revolution. ...
  11. The ancient search for a universal panacea, and of the philosopher's stone, that eventually developed into chemistry; The causing of any sort of mysterious sudden transmutation; Any elaborate transformation process or algorithm
  12. (alchemical) Of or pertaining to the medieval chemical science and philosophy of alchemy; Of or pertaining to an unexplainable transmutation; Of or pertaining to the creation of something special out of a common material
  13. (Alchemist) commonly believed to be medieval Chemist who claimed to able to make gold from base metal. Alchemy was in fact a philosophical or spiritual discipline which had a practical aspect which might be considered an early form of chemistry. Sir Isaac Newton is a famous example of an alchemist.
  14. (Alchemist) Allows the character to combine two inventory items during combat, creating a new item that usually gives greater effects than the ingredient items. Combining rare items often produces stronger or more unusual effects.
  15. (Alchemist) Another nerd that befriended a monster and has since lost his walking ability. He likes chemistry a lot because he claims that it gives him more money. One important point to note is that his monster grows blue blades when he inject a chemical into him.
  16. (Alchemist) Texan metal band influenced by the likes of Metallica and Corrosion of Conformity Rating:0 (Rate site)
  17. (alchemist) (AL kur mist) — a type of ancient scientist who did chemical experiments to try and find the secret of eternal life, and how to turn other metals into gold
  18. (ALCHEMISTS) Charlatans, who long ago searched for ways to make gold from less valuable substances. Despite the innumerable rumors surrounding these men, they were not all chemists.
  19. (Alchemists) People who studied alchemy, the practice of trying to transform common materials into gold.
  20. The Science of turning the baser metals into gold or silver by chemical means. The byproduct, "Quicksilver," was thought to have magical powers. This was a very perfected science in Egyptian times and lasted all the way up into the 14th-16th Century A.D. ...
  21. Alchemy is the process of transmuting base metals into gold. Inner alchemy involves self-transformation that produces spiritual growth; self-transformation from the lower self into the Christ Self.
  22. The process of changing a base form into something more perfect or something more viable that can be used for noble purposes. Philosophically, alchemy is known for the conversion of our physical essence into that of a higher more spiritual state. ...
  23. The exploration and application of the sciences, particularly chemistry and the pseudo science of astrology, such as they were understood during the middle ages and early Renaissance period. ...
  24. Alchemy is the medieval chemical science designed to purify and perfect the prformance of chemical experiments and magic rituals.
  25. Several of the great Greek philosophers considered all matter to be composed of four basic "elements", fire, air, earth and water, and that all materials were had these components mixed in different proportions. ...