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alchemist 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
  1. one who was versed in the practice of alchemy and who sought an elixir of life and a panacea and an alkahest and the philosopher's stone
  2. (alchemistic) of or relating to alchemists
  3. (alchemy) chemistry: the way two individuals relate to each other; "their chemistry was wrong from the beginning -- they hated each other"; "a mysterious alchemy brought them together"
  4. (alchemy) a pseudoscientific forerunner of chemistry in medieval times
  5. Alchemist is an Australian progressive metal band from Canberra whose style combines death metal, progressive rock, psychedelic, Eastern, Aboriginal and electronic influences. The band formed in 1987 and has so far released six studios albums, an EP and a compilation album. ...
  6. is a Japanese video game developer. It specializes in the development of visual novel video games ports for use on home video game consoles such as the PlayStation 2 and the defunct Dreamcast.
  7. Alchemist is a computer game developed by Ian Weatherburn for the ZX Spectrum and released by Imagine Software in 1983. It is an action-adventure game in which the player controls an alchemist who may transform into a golden eagle.
  8. The Alchemist is a 1984 horror film about a man who desires to avenge a curse placed on him by an evil magician. The film was directed by Charles Band, and stars Robert Ginty, Lucinda Dooling, and John Sanderford.
  9. The Alchemist, HWV 43, is incidental music used for the revival of Ben Jonson's play The Alchemist at the Queen's Theatre, London on 14 January 1710. The work is an arrangement, by an anonymous composer, of music written by Handel.
  10. The Alchemist (O Alquimista) is an allegorical novel by Paulo Coelho first published in 1988. It has been hailed as a modern classic. ...
  11. One who practices alchemy
  12. (alchemical) Of or pertaining to the medieval chemical science and philosophy of alchemy; Of or pertaining to an unexplainable transmutation; Of or pertaining to the creation of something special out of a common material
  13. (alchemy) The ancient search for a universal panacea, and of the philosopher's stone, that eventually developed into chemistry; The causing of any sort of mysterious sudden transmutation; Any elaborate transformation process or algorithm
  14. (ALCHEMISTS) Charlatans, who long ago searched for ways to make gold from less valuable substances. Despite the innumerable rumors surrounding these men, they were not all chemists.
  15. (Alchemists) People who studied alchemy, the practice of trying to transform common materials into gold.
  16. (Alchemy) The Science of turning the baser metals into gold or silver by chemical means. The byproduct, "Quicksilver," was thought to have magical powers. This was a very perfected science in Egyptian times and lasted all the way up into the 14th-16th Century A.D. ...
  17. (Alchemy) A form of magick which stems from the middle ages. It is noted by the attempts of alchemists to make lead turn into gold. A practioner of alchemy is an Alchemist.
  18. (Alchemy) The exploration and application of the sciences, particularly chemistry and the pseudo science of astrology, such as they were understood during the middle ages and early Renaissance period. ...
  19. (Alchemy) The practice of transmuting base metals into precious metals.
  20. (Alchemy) The chemistry from prehistory until the 17th century, in which laboratory experiments were combined with intuitive, pictorial, partly religious experiences about nature and man. ...
  21. Alchemy is the process of transmuting base metals into gold. Inner alchemy involves self-transformation that produces spiritual growth; self-transformation from the lower self into the Christ Self.
  22. (Alchemy) a medieval chemical philosophy having as its asserted aims the transmutation of base metals into gold
  23. (alchemy) Medieval chemistry, the principal aims of which were to transmute baser metals into gold and to discover both the alkahest or universal solvent and the panacea or universal remedy.
  24. (ALCHEMY) (from the Greek, chemeia, "chemistry", the Arabic, al kimya, "the chemistry", or the Egyption, khemeia, "the preparation of black ore"): A form of ceremonial magick commonly believed to be focused on the transmutation of base metals into precious metals (e.g.: converting lead to gold). ...
  25. (Alchemy) 1.n. A formula-based system of magic. 2.n. A theosophical approach to spiritual enlightenment by means of symbolically creating chemical experiments in the physical plane. 3.n. The imbuing of mystical properties into normal devices without using personal energies.