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alarmist 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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alarmists, plural;
  1. Creating needless worry or panic
    • - alarmist rumors
  1. Someone who is considered to be exaggerating a danger and so causing needless worry or panic

  1. a person who alarms others needlessly
  2. (alarmism) needless warnings
  3. The Alarmist, also known as Life During Wartime, is a 1997 film written and directed by Evan Dunsky, starring David Arquette, Stanley Tucci, with Kate Capshaw and Ryan Reynolds. The film is an adaptation of a play written by Keith Reddin.
  4. Alarmism is excessive or exaggerated alarm about a real or imagined threat e.g. the increases in deaths from infectious disease.
  5. One who causes others to become alarmed without cause
  6. person who refuses to deny global warming