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airmail 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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airmails, plural;
  1. Send (mail) by aircraft
    • - a recent letter that I airmailed to Miss Sifton
  1. A system of transporting mail by aircraft, typically overseas

  2. A letter carried by aircraft

  1. letters and packages that are transported by aircraft
  2. send or transport by airmail; "Letters to Europe from the U.S. are best airmailed"
  3. a system of conveying mail by aircraft
  4. Airmail (or air mail, in French Par avion) is mail that is transported by aircraft. It typically arrives more quickly than surface mail, and usually costs more to send. ...
  5. Airmail is the second studio album by Australian rock band Epicure. It was released on October 15, 2001 . The Album is essentially a collection of Epicure's previous three EPs repackaged into one album.
  6. Airmail is a 1932 adventure film directed by John Ford.
  7. (AIRMAILS) Stamps issued specifically for use on airmail letters.
  8. To hit a shot much farther than planned (most commonly over the green). Amateur golfers frequently airmail approaches to greens fronted by hazards.
  9. Any item of mail (letters, printed matter, parcels or packages) conveyed by air at a higher priority and greater speed than surface mail.
  10. mail matters which are transported using air as the mode of conveyance.
  11. A term applied to a cover deemed to be carried via an airplane. Applies also to stamps especially produced for airmail.
  12. Airmail is the overseas letter service of Royal Mail available on Public Tariff mail.
  13. A bag that lands directly in the hole without making any contact with other areas of the board. Sometimes referred to as “swishing”.
  14. A shot that flies over the green
  15. cornhole – nothing but hole