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airlock 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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airlocks, plural;
  1. A blockage of the flow in a pump or pipe, caused by an air bubble

  2. A compartment with controlled pressure and parallel sets of doors, to permit movement between areas at different pressures

  1. a chamber that provides access to space where air is under pressure
  2. An airlock is a device which permits the passage of people and objects between a pressure vessel and its surroundings while minimizing the change of pressure in the vessel and loss of air from it. ...
  3. Airlock is a London based digital agency specialising in multi-platform which was founded in early 2001 and is most notable for its work with Diesel (clothing company), the BBC, Channel 4 Motorola and Heineken.
  4. Airlock is a Belgium based Trip-hop musical group formed November 1997 notable for their ambient music on several popular TV series: and . The band members were Renaud Charlier, Ernst W. Meinrath and Pierre Mussche.
  5. A parachute airlock (simply airlock in context) is a safety mechanism built into some parachute models which resist it losing its shape while open. It uses a ram air structure to stiffen each section of the outer edge.
  6. Airlock is an action game developed by Data Age in which you have to go out of a submarine. It received mediocre reviews from critics.
  7. A sealed, airtight chamber, such as in a manned spacecraft or submarine, used to provide access to and from the sealed area without allowing air out or water in
  8. (airlocked) Extremely drunk
  9. (airlocked) Adj. Drunk, intoxicated. [N. Ireland use]
  10. (Airlocks) plastic devices that contain one or more liquid chambers and are attached to the fermenter. They allow built up CO2 produced during fermentation to be released, while keeping air and contaminates out.
  11. (Airlocks) Those bizarre plastic (or sometimes glass) things that go in the top of demi-johns and let gas go out but stop stuff getting in. They bubble a lot and tend to keep you awake at night.
  12. air trapped in pipes, causing a reduction or complete stop in the flow of liquid.
  13. a one-way valve that allows carbon dioxide gas to escape while preventing the entry of contaminants.
  14. Trapped air in pipework where, due to its layout, the air cannot escape naturally resulting in no or very little flow of liquid along the pipe.
  15. Used for locking the air out of your fermenter while letting the gases produced by fermentation escape.
  16. a chamber that enables people and things to move or be moved between volumes with different pressures; like a lock in a canal, the chamber starts at the pressure that the occupant is moving from, and changes to the pressure being moved to.
  17. A special room with two doors, one opens ot handle the outside environment, the other opens to the living area. Both doors are NEVER open at the same time! The airlock will pressureize to allow you to take your helmet and pressure suit off when you come indoors. ...
  18. The apparatus that allow gas to escape from a tank containing wine (no air, however, enters the vessel).
  19. A device that lets CO2 escape from the fermentor without letting outside air or contaminants in.
  20. A plastic cylindrical device with a cap that is either a one piece unit with triple bubbles or a three piece unit with a plastic insert. The airlock is filled halfway with water to allow carbon dioxide to escape without letting the bacteria in the air to get back in.
  21. A blockage in a pipe caused by a trapped air bubble.
  22. A homebrewing gizmo that sits on top of the fermenter. It lets CO2 gas from the fermenting beer escape, but doesn't let any outside air in. This keeps bacteria and wild yeast out of the beer.
  23. An air-tight, double-door antechamber of a caisson used for passing workmen or materials into or out of the caisson and to regulate the air pressure during such passage.
  24. Device which allows gases to escape but does not allow contaminents in. Usually used in secondary fermentation.
  25. A device used to keep wine spoiling oxygen out and let gasses building up, due to fermentation, out.