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airdrop 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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airdrops, plural;
  1. Drop (such things) by parachute

  1. An act of dropping supplies, troops, or equipment by parachute from an aircraft

  1. delivery of supplies or equipment or personnel by dropping them by parachute from an aircraft; "until then, front line troops will be supplied by airdrop"
  2. An airdrop is a type of airlift, developed during World War II to resupply otherwise inaccessible troops, who themselves may have been airborne forces. In some cases, it is used to refer to the airborne assault itself. ...
  3. (JP 1-02) - The unloading of personnel or materiel from aircraft in flight. (See also air movement.) See FMs 7-30, 55-12, 71-100-2, and JP 3-18.1.
  4. to fall through the air with your surfboard still under your feet.