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aigrette 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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aigrettes, plural;
  1. A headdress consisting of a white egret's feather or other decoration such as a spray of gems

  1. a long plume (especially one of egret feathers) worn on a hat or a piece of jewelry in the shape of a plume
  2. Aigrette (from the French for egret, or lesser white heron), the tufted crest, or head-plumes of the egret, used for adorning a woman's head-dress, the term being also given to any similar ornament, in gems. ...
  3. The lesser white heron; the egret; A feather or plume, or feather-shaped item, used as an adornment or ornament; The feathery crown of some seeds (such as the dandelion)
  4. the tufted plumes of an egret. Used of women’s hat-feathers. [p. 380]
  5. n. - spray of feathers; any object in that shape; egret.
  6. Frequently a term for a plume of heron's or later egret feather. This is found as a common adornment in Turkey during the Ottoman Empire - and was usually a feathered plume mounted on a turban and sometimes having a jeweled setting or gemstone as a feature. ...
  7. A jeweled hair ornament usually in a spray-like pattern to simulate feathers. Aigrettes were in and out of popularity from the 17th to the 20th century.
  8. Tuft of feathers, usually stiff, used as hat ornament, originally from egrets.
  9. A feather-shaped piece of jewelry worn in the hair or on a hat. From the French word "egret", a white heron prized for its plumage.
  10. Plume or spray of feathers or jewels worn as a hair or head ornament