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ague 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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agues, plural;
  1. Malaria or some other illness involving fever and shivering

  2. A fever or shivering fit

  1. a fit of shivering or shaking
  2. successive stages of chills and fever that is a symptom of malaria
  3. acute accent: a mark (') placed above a vowel to indicate pronunciation
  4. (Agues) Malaria is a mosquito-borne infectious disease caused by a eukaryotic protist of the genus Plasmodium. It is widespread in tropical and subtropical regions, including parts of the Americas (22 countries), Asia, and Africa. ...
  5. An acute fever; An intermittent fever, attended by alternate cold and hot fits; The cold fit or rigor of the intermittent fever; as, fever and ague; A chill, or state of shaking, as with cold; A former name for malaria; To strike with an ague, or with a cold fit
  6. Alternate spelling for "agbe" (see above).
  7. Recurring fever & chills of malarial infection.  Also known as "Chill fever", "the Shakes".
  8. Fever, or other recurrent symptom resulting from malaria also known as a chill. It was a common synonym for intermittent fever.
  9. A malarial fever with chills and sweating occuring at regular intervals. A fit of shivering, chill
  10. Any intermittent fever characterised by periods of chills, fevers and sweats. Most commonly identified as malaria.
  11. A fever marked by recurring paroxysms of chills and sweating.
  12. The translation in Lev 26:16 (R.V., "fever") of the Hebrew word kaddah'ath , meaning "kindling", i.e., an inflammatory or burning fever. In Deu 28:22 the word is rendered "fever."
  13. Recurring fever, usually with chills. Often used to describe malaria, but other diseases with cyclical fevers were also considered “ague”.
  14. A term used to describe the fevers and chills resulting from malaria.
  15. A sickly condition of the dreamer is sometimes implied by this dream. To dream that you are shaking with an ague, signifies that you will suffer from some physical disorder, and that fluctuating opinions of your own affairs may bring you to the borders of prostration. ...
  16. chills, as in "Chills and Fever".
  17. cold or fever, "the ague" was probably a malaria brought on by mosquitos in 16th Century England which was the last period that the country has large swamps before engineering and water projects -- and the weather -- cleared them out
  18. areal verb with -gue- infix