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agronomist 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
  1. an expert in soil management and field-crop production
  2. (agronomy) the application of soil and plant sciences to land management and crop production
  3. An agronomist (called an agrologist in Canada) is a scientist who specializes in agronomy, which is the science of utilizing plants for food, fuel, feed, and fiber. The agronomist is an expert in agricultural and allied sciences, except veterinary sciences.
  4. The Agronomist is a 2003 American documentary directed by Jonathan Demme, and starring Jean Dominique. The documentary follows the life of Dominique, who ran Haiti's first independent radio station, Radio Haiti-Inter, during multiple repressive regimes.
  5. A scientist whose speciality is agronomy
  6. (agronomy) The science and management of land, especially rural, agricultural land.
  7. (Agronomy) Wheat diseases, Wheat mildew, Plant breeding Trade: Canadian Wheat Board, International Wheat Council, International wheat production statistics
  8. (Agronomy) Agros = field + nomous = cultivation i.e. Art of growing crops.
  9. (Agronomy) Branch of agriculture that studies crops and soils. Agronomists research crop rotation, plant breeding, soil classification, soil fertility, tillage management, weed control and pest management.
  10. (Agronomy) Francesco Serafini (IOC Executive Secretariat), Zouhry Hassan
  11. (Agronomy) the study of agronomic plants and agronomic practices