- worsen: make worse; "This drug aggravates the pain"
- exacerbate: exasperate or irritate
- (aggravated) made more severe or intense especially in law; "aggravated assault"
- (aggravated) incited, especially deliberately, to anger; "aggravated by passive resistance"; "the provoked animal attacked the child"
- (aggravating) making worse
- (aggravation) an exasperated feeling of annoyance
- (Aggravating) Aggravation, in law, is "any circumstance attending the commission of a crime or tort which increases its guilt or enormity or adds to its injurious consequences, but which is above and beyond the essential constituents of the crime or tort itself."
- (Aggravation (game)) Aggravation is a board game for up to six players in which the object is to be the first player to have all four playing pieces (usually represented by marbles) reach the player's home section of the board. ...
- To make worse, or more severe; to render less tolerable or less excusable; to make more offensive; to enhance; to intensify; To give coloring to in description; to exaggerate; as, to aggravate circumstances. — William Paley; To exasperate; to provoke; to irritate
- (aggravation) The act of aggravating, or making worse; used of evils, natural or moral; the act of increasing in severity or heinousness; something additional to a crime or wrong and enhancing its guilt or injurious consequences; Exaggerated representation; An extrinsic circumstance or accident ...
- (aggravated) 6:44 PM Mar 9th via Twitter for Android
- (aggravated) used to describe everything from mild annoyance to dangerous, murderous rage. Usually pronounced "agger-vated."
- (aggravation) a noticeable intensification of the disease symptoms previously observed. Often associated with the action of the correct homeopathic remedy. See aphorisms 157-161, 247-249, 280, 282 of the Organon.
- (Aggravation) A factor that inflames, alters or changes the course of recovery from a certain illness of injury. This may or may not be permanent, and is an important factor to establish when it comes to cause and responsibility, as well as patient care.
- (Aggravation) A temporary exacerbation of the symptoms the homeopathic remedy is prescribed for. Homeopaths view this as a retracing of a chronic illness to its initial acute phase and usually interpret it as a sign that the body is doing what it needs to do to heal itself permanently of the ...
- (Aggravation) In homeopathy, this is taken to mean a 'therapeutic aggravation'. It is a term used to describe the well-known 'worse before better' effect, of homeopathic (and other) interventions. If it occurs, it can usually be taken to indicate a correct remedy. ...
- (Aggravation) In this stage, for which the Sanskrit term literally means rage, the doshas continue to increase and put pressure on their reservoirs, intensifying the symptoms they have produced. ...
- (Aggravation) Info, including Rules in PDF
- (Aggravation) Temporary increase in symptoms due to homeopathic remedy.
- (Aggravation) Worsening in the patient's condition after getting a homeopathic remedy. Homeopaths claim this can signify that the remedy was appropriate. Critics note that the concept helps them deny failure when the patient feels worse.
- (Aggravation) a remedy response which provokes a worsening and then cure of existing symptoms e.g. the flareup of a skin condition that has previously been suppressed.
- (Aggravation) an aggravating factor is one which makes the offence more serious than usual and which usually leads to a more severe sentence being imposed. An example would be where the victim was particularly vulnerable.
- An aggravation is the clinical effect of a compensable accident on a pre-existing condition, resulting in temporary or permanent clinical impairment and/or loss of earning capacity.(Source: Policy 03-02)
- Aggravate is used chiefly in two meanings: "to make worse" ("aggravated her shoulder injury," "Their financial condition was aggravated by the fall of the stock market") and "to irritate, annoy" ("The president was aggravated by the Russians' response"), but the latter is rarely seen in writing. ...
- means "make worse," not "irritate." To aggravate is to add gravity or weight.