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aggrandizement 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
  1. the act of increasing the wealth or prestige or power or scope of something; "the aggrandizement of the king"; "his elevation to cardinal"
  2. (aggrandize) embroider: add details to
  3. The act of aggrandizing, or the state of being aggrandized or exalted in power, rank, honor, or wealth; exaltation; enlargement
  4. (aggrandize) To make great; to enlarge; to increase; as; To make great or greater in power, rank, honor, or wealth; applied to persons, countries, etc; To make appear great or greater; to exalt; To increase or become great
  5. (aggrandize) (v) - to inflate; to promote
  6. (noun) increase in wealth or power: His critics say he is only interested in his own aggrandizement.