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ageism 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Prejudice or discrimination on the basis of a person's age,
  1. Prejudice or discrimination on the basis of a person's age

  1. discrimination against middle-aged and elderly people
  2. Ageism, also called age discrimination is stereotyping of and discrimination against individuals or groups because of their age. It is a set of beliefs, attitudes, norms, and values used to justify age based prejudice and discrimination. This may be casual or systematic. Quadagno, J. (2008). ...
  3. The treating of a person or people differently from others based on assumptions or stereotypes relating to their age
  4. (ageist) A person who behaves in an ageist manner; Unfairly discriminatory against someone based on their age
  5. The assumption that a person's age should determine their social status and their roles in society. Usually refers to stereotyping and devaluation of seniors. See: STEREOTYPE / .
  6. Any attitude, action, or institutional structure which subordinates a person or group because of age or any assignment of roles in society purely on the basis of age" (Traxler, 1980, p. 4). Ageism works against the young and the old and benefits those between 30-early 50s.
  7. Prejudice or negative attitudes toward aging and the aged.
  8. Exclusionary practices based solely on age.
  9. is the pervasive oppression of people based on their age. Discrimination comes from the societal myth that older and younger people cannot perform certain cognitive or affective standards in the same way simply because they are younger or older. ...
  10. Ageist segregation is as damaging as racism and sexism, especially for youth.
  11. treating individuals differently based on the fact that they are from a different age group. The term usually has a negative connotation.
  12. "means prejudging or making assumptions about people on the basis of their age" (Help the Aged 2007), so it concerns a set of negative beliefs, such as stereotypes, that lead to age discrimination. ...
  13. Negative beliefs, attitudes, and stereotypes about elderly persons (such as wise, demented, kind, grouchy, experienced, incompetent)
  14. Viewing elderly people in a negative manner
  15. Discrimination of individuals based on their age, i.e. of the elderly based on the notion that they are incapable of performing certain functions such as driving, or of the young based on the notion that they are immature and therefore incapable of performing certain tasks.
  16. Racism · Religious intolerance · Sexism · Xenophobia
  17. Process of stereotyping individuals based upon age and the perceived deficits that accompany aging
  18. Prejudice based on age