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ageing 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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aged, past participle; aged, past tense; ageing, present participle; ages, 3rd person singular present; aging, present participle;
  1. Grow old or older, esp. visibly and obviously so
    • - you haven't aged a lot
    • - the tiredness we feel as we age
  2. Cause to grow, feel, or appear older
    • - he even tried aging the painting with a spoonful of coffee
  3. (esp. with reference to an alcoholic drink) Mature or allow to mature
    • - the wine ages in open vats or casks
  4. Determine how old (something) is
    • - we didn't have a clue how to age these animals

  1. aging: growing old
  2. ripening: acquiring desirable qualities by being left undisturbed for some time
  3. aging: the organic process of growing older and showing the effects of increasing age
  4. Ageing (British and Australian English) or aging (American and Canadian English) is the accumulation of changes in an organism or object over time. Ageing in humans refers to a multidimensional process of physical, psychological, and social change. ...
  5. The aging of wine, and its ability to potentially improve in quality, distinguishes wine from most other consumable goods. ...
  6. The process of becoming older or more mature; The deliberate act of making something (such as an antique) appear older than it is; Becoming senescent; accumulating damage to macromolecules, cells, tissues and organs with the passage of time; Becoming elderly
  7. Wine is one of the few foodstuffs that can improve with age, and this is also one of its key fascinations. The longevity of different types of wine is a complex and inexact science: real wine bore territory! ...
  8. Giving something an aged appearance - various techniques can be used, such as staining and denting. Also referred to as Antiquing or Distressing.
  9. The exposure to an environment for a period of time.
  10. "A fish that is less than 1 year old (counted from time of spawning by its parents) is considered a subyearling, or zero-age. A yearling fish is more than 1 year and less than 2 years old. ...
  11. The deterioration of paper properties with time. Sunlight and heat accelerate loss of strength and brightness.
  12. All wine is aged, from a few weeks to many decades. Ageing in barrels is a very slow oxidation, and the barrels can impart flavors to the wine: bottle ageing allows the wines to soften and various components within the wine to harmonize. After a certain point all wine will decline in the bottle. ...
  13. The changing of a material with time under defined environmental conditions, leading to improvement or deterioration of properties. Addition of Antioxidants, UV / Light stabilizers, and so on, allows an improvement of ageing properties.
  14. The storing of a material to improve its quality. Varnish that has been aged has improved gloss and reduced pin-holing and crawling. Ageing is done before use, unlike maturing and curing.
  15. The process by which certain types of leather are at some stage of manufacture allowed to lie in piles to "age". (11)
  16. Decorative technique used to create the effect of wear-and-tear on a wooden, painted, plastic or other surfaces.
  17. Allows flavors and aromas of the wine to develop and mature prior to bottling.
  18. Complex process of change which take place in wine over time. Simple wines require little ageing and can generally be enjoyed within a few months of the harvest. ...
  19. Exposing hardened steel for a long time to a temperature below approx. 120 °C. Meanwhile cooling in cold water, to avoid as much as possible slow changes in the fine structure that in the long run may originate small size changes (e.g. diameters). ...
  20. A change in properties that may occur gradually at atmospheric temperatures (natural ageing) and more rapidly at higher at higher temperatures (artificial ageing).
  21. The combination of biological, psychological and social processes that affect people as they grow older.
  22. Techniques used to give cardstock, paper, embellishments and photos an aged, antiqued or distressed appearance. Methods include inking, sanding, crumpling, dry brushing and staining.
  23. The process of growing old. This is both a physical and a social process, as are the changes associated with old age. Ageism refers to prejudice or discrimination on the basis of age.
  24. Most wines can be drunk young but others will improve with some ageing. Full bodied wines, sweet and fortified wines can benefit from some bottle ageing.
  25. Process of estimating a horse's age by the appearance of the teeth.