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agape 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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(of the mouth) Wide open, esp. with surprise or wonder,
  1. (of the mouth) Wide open, esp. with surprise or wonder
    • - Downes listened, mouth agape with incredulity
  1. Christian love, esp. as distinct from erotic love or emotional affection

  2. A communal meal in token of Christian fellowship, as held by early Christians in commemoration of the Last Supper

  1. agape(p): with the mouth wide open as in wonder or awe; "the gaping audience"; "we stood there agape with wonder"; "with mouth agape"
  2. (Christian theology) the love of God or Christ for mankind
  3. selfless love of one person for another without sexual implications (especially love that is spiritual in nature)
  4. a religious meal shared as a sign of love and fellowship
  5. Agape is a genus of moths of the Noctuidae family.
  6. (agapes) The social meal or love feast of the primitive Christians which usually accompanied the Eucharist
  7. Greek word meaning love but distinct from erotic love or familial love. Important for Christians as it is that kind of unconditional love which they must show their neighbours. ...
  8. A state of unconditional love for everything. This is considered the ultimate goal of all sentient evolution. (Usually pronounced ah-guh-pay.)
  9. (Gr.: Love). Feast of love; the common meal of fellowship eaten in gatherings of the early Christians (1 Cor. 11:20 34). Agape is also the name of the Easter Vespers Service held in the early afternoon on Easter day. ...
  10. Christian. Christian love as contrasted to erotic love. It can also mean charity.
  11. Unconditional love. A love that stems from the ability of the initiate to see the divine spark in all life.
  12. (1) Love, but in the holy, rather than erotic, sense. (2) The community meal originating in early church in association with the Eucharist. (3) Specifically, in modern usage, the meal sometimes offered after the Maunday Thursday Eucharist.
  13. by Marcelo Rossi (Globo Livros) -- Religion / Self-Help
  14. Greek for the unconditional love which God extends to His people. Agape also designates a communal meal connected to the Eucharist which was a practice of the early Church (1 Cor. 11:20 34).
  15. Overflowing unconditional love for all, including adversaries, needed for nonviolent conflict-resolution. Dr. King called it “love in action…love seeking to preserve and create community…love that is purely spontaneous, unmotivated, groundless and creative.”
  16. A Greek word for love that is found frequently in the Christian Scriptures (New Testament) in noun form as "agape" and in verb form as "agapao." 1 It is different from erotic love. ...
  17. Greek word used in the New Testament to mean the love we are called to have for each other. 1 Cor 13:13 uses the word "agape". Distinguished from eros (erotic love) and philia (fraternal love).
  18. The Greek word for meaningful, spiritual love (as in love of God or country).
  19. The greatest of all loves, agape takes a charitable definition. People who experience or act with agape love show they care for people regardless of circumstance. This often is how we define God’s love for us, though God transcends a single definition.
  20. One of several Greek words for love.  As used in the Bible, agape love refers to the unconditional love of God for man.  An agape ceremony, used by some Tres Dias communities, refers to a sharing of this love, often with a simple meal.
  21. (1) love (of one's spouse or family); (2) brotherly love, affection, good will, benevolence
  22. God’s  Love (Unconditional for Man) This is almost a one-sided love.
  23. the representation of spiritual love, whose very memory Lodovica seeks to erase forever.
  24. A star in the constellation Lyra
  25. open-mouthed; surprised; agog