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afterword 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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afterwords, plural;
  1. A concluding section in a book, typically by a person other than the author

  1. An afterword is a literary device that is often found at the end of a piece of literature. It generally covers the story of how the book came into being, or how the idea for the book was developed.
  2. Afterwords is the seventh studio album by Atlanta-based rock band Collective Soul, it was released on August 28, 2007. ...
  3. an epilogue; a postscript; an appendix
  4. part of a book’s back matter detailing how the book came to be and how ideas for the book were developed.
  5. Closing remarks on the topic of the book or the process of writing the book. This material can be written by someone other than the author.
  6. Part of a book’s back matter, in which the author or someone else talks directly to the reader.
  7. A brief passage or essay, usually written by the author, appearing at the end of a work as explanation or, in a special edition, as commentary on the work's reception. ...