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afterthought 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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afterthoughts, plural;
  1. An item or thing that is thought of or added later
    • - as an afterthought she said “Thank you.”

  1. reconsideration: thinking again about a choice previously made; "he had second thoughts about his purchase"
  2. an addition that was not included in the original plan; "the garage was an afterthought"
  3. Fat Jon the Ample Soul Physician (born on August 8th, 1969 as John Marshall) is an American hip hop producer from Cincinnati, Ohio and one of the four members of Five Deez, alongside Pase Rock, Sonic, and Kyle David. He is also credited with some of the music in the anime series Samurai Champloo.
  4. (Afterthoughts) Claire's is a retailer of accessories and jewelry to girls and young women aged 3 to 28. Claire's has over 3,000 locations worldwide: their stores are in 95% of all U.S. shopping malls, and in 27 other countries. ...
  5. A reflection after an act; a later or subsequent thought, action, or expedient; Something additional to the original plan or concept