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aftertaste 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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aftertastes, plural;
  1. A taste, typically an unpleasant one, remaining in the mouth after eating or drinking something

  1. an afterimage of a taste
  2. Aftertaste is the persistence of a sensation of flavour. Both food and drink may have an aftertaste. Alcoholic beverages such as wine, beer and whiskey are noted for having particularly strong aftertastes. Foodstuffs with notable aftertastes include spicy food, such as Mexican food (e.g. ...
  3. Aftertaste is the fourth album by Helmet, released in 1997 on Interscope. This proved to be Helmet's final album with original members John Stanier (drums) and Henry Bogdan (bass). Guitarist Rob Echeverria, who appeared on Helmet's previous outing, Betty, left the group to join Biohazard. ...
  4. A taste of something that persists when it is no longer present; The persistence of the taste of something no longer present; Of wine, finish
  5. As the term suggests, the taste left in the mouth when one swallows is the aftertaste. This word is a synonym for length or finish. The longer the aftertaste lingers in the mouth (assuming it is a pleasant taste), the finer the quality of the wine.
  6. An impression left on the palate after tasting that differs from, and is often less pleasant than, the initial taste of the wine.
  7. The flavor impression the wine leaves after it is swallowed. Also referred to as the "finish" of a wine. Fine wines have a lingering finish, or aftertaste.
  8. The sensation of brewed coffee vapors, ranging from carbony to chocolaty to spicy to turpeny. Released from the residue remaining in the mouth after swallowing. Aged A taste taint that gives coffee beans a less acidy taste and greater body. ...
  9. The flavors lingering on the palate after the chocolate has been consumed. Called the finish in the wine industry, this term is also applied to chocolate. A good aftertaste should leave positive chocolate flavors in the mouth for two minutes or more
  10. The lingering taste, odors and mouth-feel that remain after a wine is swallowed. Also known as Finish, although this word has other meanings associated with wine. ...
  11. The "shadow taste" remaining in your mouth just after swallowing a sip of wine. Important in wine tasting because it can reveal an extra attribute or fault which might not otherwise be obvious.
  12. Sensory impression that lasts longest after swallowing.
  13. When cupping coffee the characteristic that describes the intensity of the flavor and smell of the coffee once it has been tasted and spit out
  14. Often referred to as the ‘finish’, this is the sensation of ‘still tasting’ the wine (sometimes long) after swallowing. This can be measured in seconds, or even minutes. The longer the time, reputedly the higher the wine’s quality. ...
  15. The flavor that stays in the mouth after swallowing wine. Also known as a wine's finish, this flavor can be buttery, oaky, spicy, tart, or bitter.
  16. The lingering flavors after a wine is swallowed or spat. For many, this is very important and a good aftertaste can make or break a wine. [Mike Supple sarcastically refers to poor aftertaste as "aftertang".]
  17. The vapors released by the coffee in the mouth that continues to stimulate taste buds after the actual liquid has been swallowed.
  18. The sensation left in the mouth after a wine has been swallowed. Length of palate or flavour persistence.
  19. Some make a distinction between a wines’s “finish” and its aftertaste is
  20. The flavor that lingers after swallowing. A wine with a long, pleasant aftertaste or finish is described as long or as having good length.
  21. Flavor left in the mouth and nose after a wine has been swallowed or spit out; can be pleasant or unpleasant and is crucial in determining the likely developmentof young wines.
  22. Connoisseurs will never use this one. They prefer the "aromatic persistence of the wine" better. It is a measure of how long the flavours last on the palate and is measured in seconds, although inexplicably and snottily enough, the unit of measurement is called Caudalie.
  23. A tasting term for the taste left on the palate after wine has been swallowed.
  24. Aftertaste refers to lingering residual sensations in the mouth after coffee has swallowed. It might be distinguished from "finish" which is the final sensations of the coffee while it leaves the mouth. Also see Afternose.
  25. The taste that remains in the mouth after swallowing a sip of coffee, which may leave impressions such as caramel, chocolate, fruitiness, spiciness, smokiness, or roastiness, to name a few.