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aftercare 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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aftercares, plural;
  1. Subsequent care or maintenance, in particular

  2. Care of a patient after a stay in the hospital or of a person on release from prison

  3. Childcare for the period between the end of the school day and the end of a parent's working day
    • - an aftercare facility at the local YMCA

  1. care and treatment of a convalescent patient
  2. In the context of the sexual practice of BDSM, aftercare is the process of attending to one another after intense feelings of a physical or psychological nature relating to BDSM activities.
  3. services following hospitalization or rehabilitation.
  4. The period of time that begins when a client leaves a formal treatment program and treatment professionals are no longer directly involved with the client on a regular basis for one-to-one and group counselling and therapy. ...
  5. Services that help with the transition from a treatment facility to community living, such as housing and job support.
  6. support for the client when they leave the service e.g. housing, employment, health care and relapse prevention
  7. A management program that follows decommissioning of oil rigs and is aimed at achieving measurable restoration objectives.
  8. This is a specific phase of a program following the completion of the intensive component.  In the aftercare phase the program requirements are reduced, with the expectation that the offender should be practicing the new skills and largely self-managing risk to reoffend. (371.17, 372)
  9. Continuation of the recovery process begun in treatment through involvement with Recovery Room groups, AA, NA, Al-Anon and self-help growth groups.
  10. A service offered to assist an individual, couple or families through the grieving process.
  11. Control, supervision, and care exercised over juveniles released from facilities through a stated release process. It may include probation, counseling, enrollment in a community program, or any of many forms of treatment designed to lessen the chance that the youth will get in trouble again.
  12. This is the support or care that a person can expect to receive once discharged from inpatient care. Typically a discharge plan will be developed by the multidisciplinary team with the service user which will make clear what care and support will be provided (see Care Plan, CPA)
  13. An organized way to maintain a helpful and caring relationship with families. Aftercare services include grief and bereavement assistance to our families and our communities.
  14. Services provided by the Department of Corrections to juveniles who have been adjudicated delinquent and sentenced to a state correctional institution.
  15. one of many terms used to describe services available to family members after the death of a loved one. ...
  16. Counseling or other bereavement support services provided by a funeral home to bereaved individuals and families.
  17. Steps necessary to bring restored land up to the required standard for the intended after-use.
  18. The directions that the tattoo artist gives you for keeping infection and bacteria out of a new tattoo. After you get a tattoo, make sure you follow the tattoo aftercare instructions exactly.
  19. A general term comprising the ongoing post-surgical fluid adjustments to the band, flouroscopy, and nutritional counseling most patients receive.
  20. (Conditional Release or Post-Commitment Probation): A state-operated or contracted program that monitors a youth who has been released from a commitment program.
  21. the things one does to care for new piercings. Proper aftercare is necessary to heal piercings.
  22. A never-ending period of time needed to check eyes and lenses after they are fitted.
  23. surveillance de convalescents