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afterbirth 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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afterbirths, plural;
  1. The placenta and fetal membranes discharged from the uterus after the birth of offspring

  1. the placenta and fetal membranes that are expelled from the uterus after the baby is born
  2. The placenta is an organ that connects the developing fetus to the uterine wall to allow nutrient uptake, waste elimination, and gas exchange via the mother's blood supply. ...
  3. Heroine is the second full-length album by From First to Last, and was released on March 21, 2006. It is the band's most successful album, reaching #25 on the Billboard 200 and receiving positive reviews. ...
  4. The placenta and other material expelled via the birth canal following childbirth or parturition in mammals
  5. (AF-tur-burth) — The placenta that comes out of the vagina after a vaginal birth. The placenta grows in your uterus and supplies food and oxygen to your baby through the umbilical cord during pregnancy.
  6. The placenta, which is attached to the fetus by the umbilical cord and must be delivered after the baby
  7. any birth membrane that is discarded into the sea
  8. placenta, the amnion, the chlorion, some amniotic fluid, blood, and blood clots expelled from the uterus after childbirth
  9. The fetal membranes that attach the fetus to the membranes of the pregnant female and which are normally expelled from the female within 3 to 6 h. after parturition.
  10. another name for the placenta (the organ that forms in the uterus during pregnancy) and supplies oxygen and nutrients for the baby and removes waste products). It is delivered from the uterus after delivery of the baby.
  11. The placenta is commonly called the afterbirth once it has been delivered.
  12. The membrane consisting of placenta, amnion, and umbilical cord expelled from the uterus after a foal has been born.
  13. A spark-yielding mist.